Sunday, August 28, 2011

7 slowest animal in the world

7. Koala (25mph)

Koala is a marsupial mammal that moves slowly and nocturnal animals. Hands and feet are specially adapted for climbing trees. koala sleeping in eucalyptus trees in the daytime. Koala is one of the protected species, but is threatened by habitat loss

6. Gila Monster (15mph)

Gila Monster is a large lizard species, originally found in the United States and northern Mexico south. Gila Monsters have strong legs and long claws used for digging. Gila monsters spend most of their time in underground burrows. Gila monsters usually eat mice, baby rabbits, birds and bird eggs are found in the soil.

5. Manatee (13mph)

Manatees are large marine mammals and manatees are also known as sea cows. The manatees have an average weight more than 500kg and can grow more than 4.5 meters. Despite having a large size, they can survive up to 70 years. Manatees spend most of their time on the plant in warm, shallow waters of approximately two meters. Manatees are herbivores and therefore only really eat water plants such as seaweed and algae.
4. Starfish (8mph)

Starfish with five arms are commonly found attached to the disc center. Starfish do not depend on the frame and has a hydraulic water vascular system that help the starfish move.

3. Three-Toed Sloth (0.15mph)

Three-Toed Sloth is a member of the genus Bradypus and Bradypodidae family. Notoriously slow moving, animals who are lazy. That runs on top speed of 0.15 mph. Three-Toed Sloth with the size of a small dog, with head and body have a combined height of about 60 cm, and the animals weighed from 3.5 to 4.5 kg.

2. Giant Tortoise (0.13mph)

Giant tortoises are characteristic of certain tropical island. They are one of the animals in the world's longest-lived, with an average age of 100 years or more. Turtle has the speed varies according to species. Turtles of the world's slowest speed has been calculated to have 0.13 to 0.30 mph. However, when they swim, its speed can reach 22 mph.

1. Slug (0.03mph)

Fact snails become the world's slowest animal. He only has a maximum speed of 0.03 mph. Make them easy to catch since prehistoric times. Slimy snail soft bodies susceptible to drying, so that the snails live confined to moist environments and must retreat to a hiding place when the weather is dry.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

10 Top Secret Documents in the World

Actually a secret document it is very reasonable in every human being. but there are interesting things about a mystery and why the file / document is confidential.
10. Dr David Kelly Letter
Until: 2073 The letter remained open for a week of political drama that tells about the British intelligence report that uncovered crimes PM Tony Blair's government in connection with the Iraq War, which led to Dr Kelly's death at the age of 59 years.
Interesting facts: Most of the articles about Dr Kelly's pretty much encouraged many conspiracy theories.

9 File Shirley Mason Ardell

Sealed Up: Indefinitely
Shirley Ardell Mason / Sybil tells of a girl with a split personality, so until there are 16 personalities in one tubuh.Clara, Helen, Marcia, Marjorie, Mary, Mike (male), Nancy Lou Ann Baldwin, Peggy Ann Baldwin, Peggy Lou Baldwin, Ruthie, Sid (male), Sybil Ann, Sybil Isabel Dorsett, Vanessa Gaile, Antoniette Shcarleu Victoria (Vicky) and the personality of an unknown last name.
8 Mark Twain Otobiografi
Sealed Up: This year
Mark Twain was born in 1835. He grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, a small town just off the Mississippi River in the United States.
Interesting Fact: No one really knows for sure why Mark Twain wanted to keep hidden the story of her life for so long.
7. Studies of identical twins

Sealed Until: 2066
In the 1960s and '70s New York's famous psychologist Viola Bernard and his colleague, Dr. Peter Neubauer, conducted a study of nature. They studied at the adoption agency to send the twins anak2 to different houses.
Interesting Fact: The two women pictured above, Elyse and Paula, is one of two twins being studied. When Elyse was 35 he enrolled at the institution Adoption, and the agency told him that he had a twin. When the twins were reunited they began to investigate the details of their adoption. Dr. Bernard was dead, but the twins can keep track of Dr. Neubauer, after many requests, Dr. Neubauer agreed to meet with them. The doctor did not show remorse and apology at all. Of the 13 children involved in this study, three pairs of twins have found their brother. There are still four more people who do not know that they have an identical twin.
6 French UFO Files

Opened in: 2007
In 2007, the National Center for Space Studies France has more than 1,000 UFO case files, which have been investigated by the French government for over 50 years.
Interesting Facts: One of the more interesting case is included in the files occurred on August 29, 1967. A boy of 13 years and her sister 9 years ago was watched their family cattle near the village of Cussac, when the child was seeing "four small black beings" about 47 inches high.
5.Kennedy Assassination Record

Sealed Until: 2017
Assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, occurred on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was killed by a shot while in the car with his wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. 10-month investigation by the Warren Commission in 1963-1964, United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) of 1976-1979, and other government investigations concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Interesting Fact: In a recent U.S. poll, the following questions arise: "Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald was the shooter in the Kennedy assassination:" The results are: (Oswald 32%), other (51% gunman), ( Oswald Not Involved Opinion 7%) (10% did not comment.)
4. Recording of a prostitute named Mata Hari

Opened in: 1985
Mata Hari was the stage name of Margaretha Geertruida (Grietje) Zelle (7 August 1876, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands - October 15, 1917, Vincennes, France), an exotic dancer who was executed by firing squad for spying in World War I.
After the execution, Mata Hari's body is not claimed by family members and used for medical research. Her head was embalmed and kept in the Museum of Anatomy in Paris. But in 2000, obtained records that mention that the head had disappeared, likely to occur in early 1954, when the museum moved location.
3. Records of Martin Luther King

Sealed Until: 2027
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.., Ph.D. (Born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, January 15, 1929 - died in Memphis, Tennessee, United States, 4 April 1968 at age 39 years) is a Nobel Laureate, Baptist minister and human rights activist African-American.
Interesting Fact: Ralph Abernathy is a close associate of King in the civil rights movement. In his autobiography entitled "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down", he mentions that the king was a womanizer "." He also writes about Surveillance footage: "I remember especially when staying at the Willard Hotel in Washington, where they not only save the audio, but video equipment. Then, after collecting enough of the 'evidence' that will be useful, they began to distribute to journalists, jurists, when no one else will do the dirty work of Hoover, someone in the FBI to collect records moments that are very intimate and send it to Martin. Unfortunately - and perhaps this is deliberate - [his wife] to receive the tape and Coretta to play it  first.
2 Sinking (Ship) RMS Lancastria

Sealed Until: 2040
On 17 June 1940, ship Lancastria is a ship to evacuate British troops and civilian refugees, including women and children of France. At 06:00, Captain Rudolf Sharp received the order to load troops and refugees as much as possible, and to ignore international law about the limits of passengers. at lunch, on a deck crowded with passengers between 6,000 and 9,000 troops and refugees. but do not offer escort ship. At 03:48, a German bomber appeared and dropped four bombs that ripped Lancastria. Within 20 minutes, the ship was sinking, with 4,000 victims. Official report of this horrific incident was sealed for 100 years under the Official Secrets Act.
Interesting fact: Winston Churchill immediately hid the news from the public, thinking that to reveal the truth would undermine civilian morale. He said, 'The newspapers have got a disaster (news), at least for today.
1.Worst Insiden Friendly Fire

Sealed Until: 2045
thing's that heart-wrenching tragedy with huge losses, but remains little known in the history of World War II, and rarely appear in history books. It happened on May 3, 1945, four days after Hitler's suicide, and four days before the unconditional surrender of Germany. After enduring years of brutality of the Nazis, thousands of concentration camp prisoners are loaded into the two German ships in Lubeck Bay, Cap Arcona and Thielbek. Air Force commanders ordered Britain to attack, they thought would free up officers OSS (operational strategic services) English, The Thielbek, filled with 2,800 prisoners (English), and sank in just 20 minutes, killing all the prisoners who are teman2 their own nyata2
Interesting facts: a week after the drowning, the victim's body washed up, and collected and buried in a mass grave in a single hole in Neustadt in Holstein. For nearly thirty years, the skull being stranded, until the recent discovery, by a child twelve years old, in 1971.

Friday, August 26, 2011

10 Amazing Things Existing In The Human Body

1. Humans can survive despite the loss of many organs
Perhaps many of us think, if we lose any one of internal organs, then we will soon die, although this applies to the liver and heart, but does not apply to other internal organs.
In fact, even if we lose the spleen, one kidney, one lung, 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines and other organs located in the hip and groin area, we all still be alive.
Although the functions of organs that are not able to run well and you can not live as long as desired, at least, you can still live without these organs.

2. The death of hundreds of millions of cells
Every minute, our bodies are dying, this is a fact. Every 60 seconds elapsed, our body loses 300 million cells. This is the number of cells that very much.
Maybe there among you who think, the number of dead cells are so numerous, why the human body is too decomposed? This occurs because the number of cells that were born more than the number of dead cells. Every day, 10-50 trillion cells in our bodies is replaced.

3. Your hair is a "superman" body
Your hair is a "superman" of your body, this means that the hair is a part of our body are difficult to destroy.
Damage to the hair running at a very slow rate and this means that the hair can last longer than other parts of the body.
In fact, the mummies had been buried hundreds or even thousands of years still have hair on his head.
Climate change, moisture, temperature, or due to acidic substances and chemicals, can not damage the hair all of us. The only major drawback of the hair is a fire, because the hair-forming structures composed of carbon materials.

4. Beware the power of gastric acid

Stomach is also one of the strongest parts of the body. In the abdomen there is a very strong stomach acid, so it can dissolve zinc.
You might think, with a very strong stomach acid, may be able to make our stomach perforated, but this did not happen because the lining inside the abdomen we can immediately renew itself so quickly to prevent stomach acid damage the stomach.
If it were not for the capacity to renew this quickly, probably all humans have a perforated stomach.

5. The lungs, bones and nails

Following this, the facts of the three things above. First, your lungs contain tiny blood vessels called capillaries. In the lungs there are 300 million capillaries, which if we take all of the capillary, and we spread from end to end, it will generate by 1500 miles long.
Second, you can break bones, but it's actually quite strong bones. A bone block of matches, can withstand weight up to 9 tons.
Third, your nails are constantly growing and when they lose a fingernail / feet, will take over half a year so that the nail can grow from the base to the tip of the nail

6. We always grow every night

Every night, your body grows a bit. It is estimated, the body grows about one-third inch while falling asleep because of the cartilage discs are stressed by gravity when you sit or stand. However, when it started to get up and running, the height will shrink to its original height.

7. Nature's filter

Kidney function is to cleanse the toxins in the body. The amazing thing here is the capacity of the kidney filters. Each kidney contains 1 million filters. This means in the body contains 2 million filter, which filters out 1.3 liters of blood per minute and pulled out 1.4 liters of urine per day.
Without this filter function, toxins will accumulate in our bodies and we will often sick and near death. This is why people who experienced kidney failure, need to do a routine blood laundering.
8. Our body heat

The human body is a machine large energy production. When looking at the human body using infrared technology, which is visible is the radiant heat out of the human body. The heat produced by the body, helping people to stay alive.
In fact, the human body can generate heat in just 30 minutes, where the result is that heat can make a half gallon of boiling water.
That looks really do not like when cooking water in just a few minutes on the stove, but remember that with heat and without doing anything every day, heat it keeps us alive to this day.

9. We are visual creatures

We are visual creatures because most of the information we get comes from the sense of sight than the other senses.
Although bats are able to process most of the information through the ears, we process over 90% of the information through our eyes, while the other 10% of the information is processed through the senses of touch, taste, smell, and sound.

10. Past the speed limit

The human body can not move as fast as other animals, cheetahs for example, but humans can exceed speeds of 100 miles per hour with something, that when we sneeze.
When we sneeze, we remove the air from the nose and mouth with a speed of 100 miles per hour. And that is something that should be proud of.
For additional information, if the sneeze, do not hold. If still desperate to suppress a sneeze, the result is causing fractures in the nasal cartilage, nosebleeds, burst eardrums, hearing loss, vertigo (spinning sensation of pain symptoms), and retinas or have emphysema.
This is because the body tries to hold the high speed of a sneeze. So do not be arrested if ya sneeze.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Unique Facts In the History of World Music

1. Longest Song Title
Do you know if there's one song that was recorded had the longest title in the history of creation of songs. The song is titled I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin 'Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues.Hoagy Carmichael wrote the song in 1943, eventually dismantle the secret that the song was originally just titled I'ma Cranky Old Yank, but because he wanted to make a joke then the song title and even then plus a few words.
2. Most Grammy Awards winning musician

Michael Jackson recorded as a musician who won a Grammy ever in history. Until the end of his life, he managed to collect eight of this prestigious trophy.

3. Piano composition Longest in History

The composition of the longest in the history of the piano works of Erik Satie is a composition entitled Vexations. There are 180 notes in this composition and in the order that created the creator, this song should be repeated up to 840 times.Vexations first staged in September 1963 at the Pocket Theater, New York City and ten pianists need to finish this song in sequence.

4. First Live Video on MTV

The first video that aired on MTV is the song 'Video Killed the Radio Star "Buggles's played on August 1, 1981. About 16 years later, on February 27, 2000, MTV broadcast again the song Video Killed the Radio Star as a video of unity million that they publish.The video is also a video number three of the most frequently played on MTV. The first sequence is occupied by Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer through the song.

5. Historic Day for the British National Anthem

Dated February 9, 1909 listed as a historic day for the British national anthem. On that day the song 'God Save the King' played 17 times in succession by German military band at the train station Rathenau, Brandenburg.The reason, at that time, King Edward VII which should emerge from the train car while accompanied by the song turned out to have difficulty wearing German Field-Marshall and German military band was forced to repeat the song until the King Edward VII appears.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a funny of Monalisa's Painting

World's most unique Building

Built in Chicago and completed in 2009.
2. Chicago Spire - USA 
Buildings will be one of the HIGHEST in the world and was completed in 2010.
3. CCTV Headquarters - China 
One of the buildings fitted ahead of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games4. Penang Global City Center - Malaysia 
The location will be built in Penang Island and its construction is estimated to take at least 15 years.
5. Gazprom Headquarters - Russia 
One of the giant building with a height of approximately 300 meters (glass flame) andthe color will reflect more or less 10 times, depending on the position of the sun at that time. Some local residents who are less happy with the building was dubbed "corn on the cols".
6. Burj Dubai - Dubai 
It is estimated that the building is about 818 meters high and will become one of the world's tallest building (antenna at the top of buildings are not counted.)
7. Rusia Tower - Rusia 

8. Reggata Hotel - Jakarta 
Indonesia was going to have a unique nan imposing building in Jakarta with asomewhat controversial design architecture.
9. Residence Antilia - India 
Its construction was started in India, much like a shelf cd from a pile of stone is unique.

10 Biggest entered Satanic Doors

The doors can not be maintained unless someone knows the doors earlier. Satan can not be expelled from the door unless someone knows how demons enter. The way the devil to go and what are the doors earlier is the nature of a servant and the numbers very much. At this time we will show the doors which is the biggest demon doors commonly enter it. May God give us insight in this problem. 

The first door: This is the biggest door that will be entered Satan is envy (envy) and greedy. If someone is so greedy for something, it will blind greed, make the deaf and darken the light of truth, so that such people no longer know the entrance of Satan. Similarly, if someone has the nature of envy, Satan will decorate, decorate something seems to be good so favored by lust but it is something that is unjust.
Second door: It also is the biggest door that is angry. Know that anger can be destructive sense. If the mind is weak, at this time demon armies will attack and they'll laugh at people. If the conditions we are like this, ask perlindunganlah on God.
The third door: That is very fond of decorating-decorate shelter, clothing and all the existing furniture.People like this really would be losing money because he only spent for this purpose.
Door four: That is full because it has been eating lots of food. Circumstances such as these will strengthen and weaken lust for obedience to God. Another loss would he get in the hereafter.
The fifth door: That is greed in others. If someone has a nature like this, then he'll exaggerated praise the person when that person does not have properties like that existed at the compliment. Eventually, he would seek face before him, did not want to instruct people who had extolled the virtues and do not want to forbid it from munkar.
Pinta sixth: That is the nature is always in a hurry and did not want to be patient to slowly. Though there is a hadith of Anas, where the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"The nature slowly (patience) comes from God. While properties like haste is from Satan. "(This is narrated by Abu Ya'la in musnadnya and Bayhaqi in Sunanul Qubro. Shaykh al-Albani in al-Jami 'Ash Shoghir said that this hadith hasan)
The seventh door: That is love treasure. Properties such as this will make trying to find treasure at all costs. This property would make a person hunks (stingy), fear of poverty and would not perform the duties relating to property.
Eighth door: That is to invite lay people to ta'ashub (fanatical) in schools or a certain group, does not want charity other than those taught in schools or group.
Ninth Doors: Which invites lay people to think of nature (kaifiyah) Essence and the elusive nature of God by their sense that makes them doubt the most urgent problems in this religion is the problem Aqeedah.
Tenth door: That is always prejudice against other Muslims. If someone is always prejudice (bersu'uzhon) on other Muslims, he'll always put him down and always feel better than him. A believer should always seek udzur of his brother. Unlike the hypocrites who are always looking for 'disgrace others.
Hopefully we can figure out these doors and hopefully we are given taufik by God to stay away.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 Deadly submarines in World

In the world of military competition of the world, one of the most emphasized is the vehicle and water guns, it's not because nearly two-thirds of the region on our planet is water. Each state vying to create the best water vehicle for any future major war, they will not be easily eliminated.
One of the most water wars vehicles manufactured by the military is a lot of submarines, because in addition to the vehicle, submarines are also often used as a deadly weapon combat.
Here is a list of 10 submarines in the world's most deadly being released based on the sophistication of weapons combat along with cruising speed:

10. Los Angeles Class – USA
The speed reached 20 knots with combat weapons specifications tubes10Mk48 4 bow torpedo ADCAP reloadsTomahawk land attack missile SLCM block 3, Harpoon anti-surface ship missile, Mine laying Mk67, Mk60 Mobile captor mines.

9. Rubis Class – France
The speed reached 25 knots with combat weapons specifications 4 Anti-Submarine tubesF17 mod2 torpedoes14 SM39OR Exocet, Mines in place of torpedoes.

8. Victor III Class – Soviet Union
The speed reached 32 knots with combat weapons specification 2 x SS-N-15 'Starfish' anti-submarine missiles, plus 2 x SS-N-21 'Sampson' cruise missiles or 2 x SS-N-16 'Stalion' missiles2 x 650 -mm and 6 x 533-mm bow tubes (two 533-mm 406-mm tubes with liners). 6 x 650-mm torpedoes's up to 18 x 533-mmOR, 36 ground mines in place of torpedoes.

7. Sierra Class – Soviet Union
The speed reached 10 knots with combat weapons specification SS-N-15 Starfish or SS-N-16 Stallion anti-submarine missiles; SS-N-21 cruise Samson missiles4 x 650-mm and 4 x 533-mm torpedo tubesOR, 42 mines in place of torpedoes.

6. Trafalgar Class – UK
Kecepatanya reached 30 knots with combat weapons specification of 5 x 21 inch torpedo tubesTomahawk land-attack cruise missilesSpearfish heavyweight wire-guided torpedoes. Harpoon anti-surface missiles.

5. Type 093 Shang Class – China
Kecepatanya reached 35 knots with combat weapons specifications YJ-82 anti-ship missiles6 x 533-mm torpedo tubes.

4. Astute Class – UK
Kecepatanya reached 29 knots with the specifications of Tomahawk cruise missiles combat weapons; Harpoon anti-ship missiles in place of torpedoes6 x 533-mm bow tubes for 36 Spearfish torpedoesOR. Mines in place of torpedoes.

3. Seawolf Class – USA
The speed reached 18 knots with combat weapons specifications 8 x 660-mm torpedo tubes for 50 torpedoes or cruise missiles OR Up to 100 mines in place of torpedoes or missiles.

2. Akula II Class – Soviet Union
The speed reached 12 knots with combat weapons specification 4 x 650 mm and 4 x 533-mm torpedo tubes for up to 40 torpedoes or missiles OR Up to 42 mines in place of torpedoes.

1. Virginia Class – USA
Kecepatanya reached 25 knots with the specifications of combat weapons systems 12 x vertical launch tubes for Tomahawk UGM-109 missiles4 x 533-mm bow tubes for Mk.48 torpedoes, Smart mines in place of torpedoes.