Tuesday, July 5, 2011

10 coolest Antagonist Role In Film

10. The Original Terminator

Dark glasses, leather jacket, stocky body, and bring a Harley, a lie if someone said that he never thought arnold was ga ga cool.

9. Tyler Durden

Who knew Tyler Durden ga from Fight Club? figure who invented Chuck Palahniuk has a timeless charisma behind the misguided ideology. How not, all his life he tried to make all hirearki in the world destroyed by terrorist activities. Cool again, he financed their activities by selling soap and find men with clubs open fist fights.

8. Lex Luthor

Forget Lex Luthor from Smallville. Lex from the latest Superman movie has become president of the United States and could still beat the man of steel rump armed with his own brain.

7. Gabriel Gray a.k.a. Sylar

Sylar, behind the strength and the 'split brain kegiatan'nya another superhero to steal his power, just an adult with adolescent brain labile. The difference, if teenager labile make her parents mad, she killed him.

6. Marcellus Wallace

Unlike most black gangster boss, Marcellus is more populist. How not, Marcellus could pursue their own painful consequences of his man and he had undertaken with Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction. Although cruel, he can still negotiate.

5. Magneto

Although the original gay and already an old, Sir Ian McKellen ga charisma can be eliminated. Magneto in X-Men could still kerasa fierce yet elegant at the same time. Anyway he had an accomplice sexy girls half naked, hahaha ...

4. Keyser Söze/”Verbal” Kint

Kevin Spacey again cheat us outright through the film The Usual Suspect. Keyser diperankannya is an unreliable narrator but very brilliant. He describes himself as someone else but no one was conscious throughout the film. Behind the face of a government employee, Spacey is an actor topnotch

3. Hannibal Lecter

Genius, Cruel, Clever, beautiful and able to tease agent Clarice Starling in his own way. What else would explain? oh maybe humans consuming hobby.

2. Hans Landa

Plays the role of the actual scheduled by Tarantino to Leo DiCaprio. Christoph Waltz exceeded everyone's expectations. Different from the criminals Tarantino, Landa smart, a great detective, and has a sick sense of humor. I mean, who try to ga entertained Seeing Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds. He deserves to be one of the coolest on the list this antagonists.

1. The Joker

All also agree if Batman: The Dark Knight Joker should be titled: Chronicles Against BatGuy. Oath before this decade there has been no good as the Joker character. Heath Ledger himself shut himself during the three months to get the right feel for the role and rumor has it more or less this is the cause of his death.

10 natural phenomenon that is extraordinary

10. Ice Circles

Ice circle phenomenon is very rare in the cold water temperature. big ice circles can be found in Scandinavia and North America.

9. Red Tides

A natural phenomenon that occurs because the gathering of the merger of microorganisms in the coastal water of the estuary, ocean or river water and make the water purple and red.

8. Columnar Basalt

Formation rocks formed from volcanic lava due to the cold. Basalt is located at the world famous Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.

7. Sun Dogs

The phenomenon where the sun is numbered 3 pieces.

6. Moeraki Boulders

Round-shaped stones that are on the beach, formed by the waves, which are famous in the Beach Koekohe.

5. Penitentes

Natural phenomena that only occur in places between Chile and Argentina, that is snow on the surface of a high and sharp as a strong wind in the Andes Mountains.

4. Light Pillars

Because visual phenomena created by light reflection.

3. Catatumbo Lightning

Venezuelan people call this mysterious lightning or lightning Relampago del Catatumbo Catatumbo. Location is at the mouth of the occurrence of lightning in the lake maracaribo Catatumbo river, Venezuela.
Lightning is grabbed violently with a 5-km. Occurred 140 to 160 times even at night in a year. Every night there strike for 10 hours. Every hour there as much as 280 times a bolt.
So in a year approximately 448 000 times the bolt. Thunderstorms occurred due to collision winds originating from the Andes Mountains. That said, this lightning-forming ozone layer is the greatest on earth

2. Cave of the Crystals

Cave containing a crystal in the mining site located in Chihuahua, Mexico.

1. Pink and White Terraces

Natural wonders are a distant memory because it was destroyed by the eruption of Tarawera volcano in 1886, the natural phenomenon of warm water is formed from the geyser bursts that pass down the hillside leaving the ice thickness.
Warm water pool was the largest recorded three acres, before kehancuranya this phenomenon into "The Eighth Wonder of the World".