Monday, October 24, 2011

Hitler's Letter Agreement With the Devil

Dr. Leiber Greta from Germany, a paranormal specialist demon hunter discovered a mysterious letter agreement but is expected authentic.
In the ruins of the former building used by Adolf Hitler's suicide, Dr. Greta found a Letter of Agreement that allegedly was among Hitler's Testament with Satan.
The letter agreement dated 30 April 1932. This letter was signed with the blood from both sides. In it, Satan is called Lucifer promised to give to Hitler unlimited power.
The Fuhrer would be the absolute ruler of the entire country of Germany and parts of Europe, so it will be flattered and honored the millions of people. Although to get it all must use the power of large-scale evil. In return Hitler gave his soul to the devil 13 years later.
In front of 11 people Dihadirkannya panelists in a symposium, Dr. Greta said: "Pact treaty is really authentic.""What is written in it, fits well with the course of history and hundreds of cases that occurred during World War II took place" he added.
According to Drs. Greta, history has shown, that Hitler failed in his action before the year 1932. "He failed to complete high school. Also 2 times slumped in art school entrance exams. He became unemployed, and even went to jail," said Dr.. Greta about some of Hitler's life journey.
Post-1932, Hitler's life completely changed. People began to listen to his remarks. Like a rocket, his career took off very quickly. Right in the month of January 1933 Hitler had become ruler of the German Kingdom.
And on April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years from the date of the agreement with the devil's pact was signed, Hitler's power collapsed.
Copy of the agreement allegedly made between Hitler and Lucifer was found in an iron chest, in the former building where Hitler committed suicide predicted. Although the letter was slightly damaged but still legible. The letter agreement is now in the Berlin Institute of German History as research material.

6 Animal That Has the Perfect Camouflage Like Leaves

1. Katydid (Grasshoppers Leaf)
Grasshopper "Withered Leaves," below is an interesting creature, natural selection and evolution of these animals have been blessed with the ability to mimic the wilted leaves to outwit predators view.

2. Dead Leaf Butterfly
Dead leaf butterfly is amazing creatures to be observed closely. The specimen below illustrates the intricate details obtained by adaptation through natural selection, which is the driving force of evolution. Details of this extraordinary help butterflies escape predators by mimicking daunyang dead.

3. grasshoppers Worship
Praying mantis has a very unique camouflage. Not only to outwit predators, but he is also very clever fool potential prey. In addition to body shape that can resemble leaves or twigs, her body movements followed the movement of a twig or leaf in the wind.

4. Phyllium Giganteum (from Indonesia)
This insect has an elongated body, such as sticks and wings is shrinking or altogether absent. Insects do not have the tympanum and producing sound. This insect-eating plants are slow-moving, usually in trees or bushes, and is active at night (nocturnal).

5. Leaf Tailed Gecko
Often also called a devil tail gecko. This leaves geckos come from Madagascar. Gecko uses its tail to mimic a leaf or camouflage as a form of self defense.

6. Leaf fish
Fish of the Amazon river is actually shaped like a dead leaf, ranging from body shape to the movement that slowly oscillate with the flow in the river surface.

This leaves the fish-fish prey on smaller fish by attracting the attention of their prey through the organ in his chin that resembles a worm. If the prey has approached it with a super fast (less than a quarter of a second) he craned his mouth, sucking the victim and returned to its original position.