There are more than three dozen species in the family Paradisaeidae, or better known as the bird of paradise. There are about 13 Genus of these birds and the most famous is a member of the genus Paradisaea.
In Indonesia we call it a bird of paradise. Characterized by striking colors and bright, yellow fur, blue, red, and green. With colors so they become the most beautiful and interesting birds in the world, so called bird of paradise.
Birds of paradise are found in Papua or Papua New Guinea and surrounding islands, including Eastern Australia. Unfortunately the existence of these birds decreases with the number of poaching irresponsible.Lesser bird of paradise (Paradisaea minor)The Lesser bird of paradise known as the Paradise of small yellow. This medium-sized bird with a length of about 32 cm, red-brown with a yellow crown and upper back brownish yellow.Male birds have the throat emerald-green, a pair of long tail feathers and adorned with ornaments wings are yellow at the base of the white area in the outer regions.Female birds are smaller than males, have a dark brown head, white chest and without ornament decorated with feathers. Penyabaranya forest area covers the entire northern part of Papua New Guinea, and islands near Misool and Yapen.

Raggiana bird of paradise (Paradisaea Raggiana)
The Raggiana bird of paradise is also known by the name of Count Raggi's bird of paradise. Bird is also the most well known as birds of Paradise. Habitat This bird is widely distributed in southern New Guinea and northeast.Has a length of 34 cm long, red-grayish brown, yellow iris and feet grayish brown. Male birds have a yellow crown, emerald-green throat and yellow collar on the throat.Wing feather color varies from red to orange depending on the subspecies. Female birds are smaller than males, with a brown face and had no fur trimmings.
Astrapia Ribbon-tailed (Astrapia mayeri)
This is one of the most spectacular birds of paradise. His name Astrapia Ribbon-tailed and have the longest tail feathers in relation to body size, its length reaches more than three times the body length.The length of adult birds reach 32 cm in male birds which can reach 1 meter. Male birds have a black and green olive brown colored while the female bird. Males have the long-tailed bird-shaped white ribbon. Regional distribution in the central part of New Guinea.
Blue bird of paradise (Paradisaea rudolphi)
His name reminds the name of one of the taxi transportation in Indonesia. This bird is about 30 cm, black, dark brown iris color, gray legs. Male birds with feathers adorned with the dominance of blue-purple color. So that is also called the Blue Paradise.Blue Bird of Paradise is a bird endemic to Papua New Guinea. Distribution area includes the mountains of southeastern Papua New Guinea.
Riflebird Paradise (Ptiloris paradiseus)
If you've seen the movie Planet Earth, then you will see this bird. This bird has a length of about 30 cm with a male bird is black with a colorful crown turquoise, black legs, dark brown iris and yellow mouth. Female birds of this type of olive brown.Is endemic in eastern Australia, Riflebird also scattered in the rainforest in New South Wales and central Queensland. Male birds can spread his wings and show it off while moving to the right and left before the mother bird to lure them.
Red bird of paradise (Paradisaea rubra)
We named it Red Paradise, a length of about 33cm of yellow and brown, and yellow beak. Adult males can reach 72cm including decorative feathers are blood red with a white tip on the side of his stomach.Advance emerald green feathers and dark diekornya there are two long strap-shaped double gyre is black. Female birds are smaller than male birds, with dark brown face and had no fur trimmings.Is endemic from Indonesia, Red Paradise found only in lowland forests on the island and Batanta Waigeo in Raja Ampat, West Irian Jaya province.
Lawes’s Parotia (Parotia Lawesii)
Parotia lawesii medium-sized to 27 cm). Regional distribution of forest covers the mountains in the southeast and east of Papua New Guinea.Male bird has a black color with white forehead, neck iridescent blue purple green and gold chest hair. Decorated with three decorative wire head from behind each eye and elongated flank feathers in black. Female bird is brown with a dark bird's head, sliced yellow and dark.
King of Saxony bird of paradise (Pteridophora alberti)
King of Saxonyi is a kind of small-sized warbler, with a length of about 22cm. Adult males have black hair and dark yellow, her head there are two strands of wire scaly feathers glossy blue-sky like a banner that reaches 40cm in length and can be enforced at the time attracts the females. Therefore this bird eaten Paradise Panji.Fur coat and grow back black hood-shaped lengthwise. Iris dark brown, legs brownish gray and half black with the inside of the mouth of sea-green.Female bird is gray brown with stripes and dark spots. Females are smaller than male birds, and without decorated wire coat or fur trimmings. Regional distribution in the mountain forests of the island of Irian.
Wilson’s Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus respublica)
Wilson's Bird of Paradise rather small size to 21 cm. Burun male is black with red and yellow robe in the neck, mouth, light green, blue legs and two purple tail feathers are curved. Semetara that female brown with blue crown.Is endemic to Indonesia, with the spread of the hill and lowland rain forest and Batanta Waigeo Islands of West Papua.

Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia (Astrapia stephaniae)
Stephanie Astrapia measuring about 37 cm, this bird is black with colorful blue-green heads and purple, besides that it has a long black tail feathers keungunan.Females are dark brown bird with a bluish-black head. Original habitat in the mountains of central and eastern Papua New Guinea.

When weather conditions are extreme and erratic, as now, your body may become more vulnerable to minor disturbances, such as the flu or colds. In order not easy to get sick, you should certainly maintain the condition and stamina with a variety of ways, including increased resiliency and immunity or immunity through intake of nutritious food.
Here are some healthy foods that you can choose to boost immunity. By taking them properly and balanced, your body will be primed and protected from disease.
1. Oyster
Is it true that oysters contain substances that stimulate desire, or boost immunity? Perhaps both are true. Oysters contain zinc (zinc). Research shows that low zinc intake is associated with male infertility. In addition, the mineral content of zinc in oysters have antiviral effects. Although research has not been able to explain the process, the mineral zinc proved to play a major role in the immune system, including in wound healing.
2. Watermelon
Besides containing lots of fluids and refreshing, ripe watermelon also contain high antioxidant and glutathione. Glutathione is known to help strengthen the immune system so it can fight infection. Glutathione itself is found in watermelon red meat.
3. Cabbage
In addition to watermelon, cabbage is also one useful source of glutathione strengthen immune system. Cabbage is easy to find in every season and it's cheap. Try adding some kind of cabbage (white, red, china) to soups and beverages to enhance the nutritional value and source of antioxidants in your food.
4. Nuts "almonds"
You know, when experiencing stress, it is synonymous with lowered immunity? Try a handful of almonds to overcome them. You are advised to consume 1 / 4 cup almonds because the measure is already contained 50 percent of the amount of vitamin E needed by the body to help boost the immune system. Almonds also contain riboflavin and niacin, a B vitamin that can help you recover from the effects of stress.
5. Oranges "grapefruit"
The content of vitamin C in grapefruit is very high and good for the body. However, until now, research has not been able to prove that you can easily meet the requirement of vitamin C through diet alone, without supplements, to help treat the flu or colds. Even so, the grapefruit may be an option because it contains flavonoids (natural chemical compound that is useful to improve the immune system). Do not like grapefruit? You can try oranges or tangerines (tangerines).
6. "Wheat germ"
Wheat germ is a core part of the wheat seeds are rich in nutrients. The content contained in wheat germ of which is the mineral zinc, antioxidants, and vitamin B, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. Wheat germ also contains a mixture of fiber, protein and some fats are good.
7. Low-fat yogurt
A cup of yogurt each day can prevent your body from the cold. Look for yogurt that wrote the label "bacteria live and active cultures." Some researchers believe that yogurt may stimulate the immune system to fight disease. In addition, recent studies of vitamin D have found an association between low vitamin D levels and increased risk of cold and flu.
8. Garlic
Garlic contains a number of antioxidants that are useful in the immune system against H. pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers and stomach cancer. Cooking tips are: peeled garlic, cut, and allow 15 to 20 minutes before cooking to activate enzymes that increase immune function.
9. Spinach
Spinach is known as a super food because it is rich in nutrients. This is because spinach contains folate, which helps your body produce new cells and repair of DNA. Spinach also contains fiber, antioxidants, like vitamin C, and more. Nutrition spinach at most is obtained when spinach is eaten raw or lightly cooked.
10. Tea
Like green tea or black tea? No need to hesitate because they both contain polyphenols and flavonoids that can fight disease. Antioxidants contained in both types of tea can destroy free radicals.
11. Sweet potato
Like carrots, sweet potatoes also have the antioxidant beta-carotene that fight free radicals. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin A which is useful to slow the aging process and can reduce the risk of some types of cancer.
12. Broccoli
Vegetables are easily found in supermarkets is in fact contain substances that can enhance the body's immune basis. A study showed that natural chemicals in broccoli helps stimulate the immune system. Plus, the nutrients that protect your body from damage. In addition, broccoli also has vitamin A, vitamin C, and glutathione. Cooking Tips: You can add a side dish with broccoli fed low-fat cheese so as to obtain vitamin B and vitamin D are useful to boost immunity.
13. Button mushrooms
When you think of mushrooms as a low-nutrient foods, you are wrong! Mushrooms have a mineral selenium and antioxidants. Based on the study, low levels of selenium in the body can increase the risk of catching the flu are more severe. In addition, riboflavin and niacin content contained in the button mushrooms play an important role in the immune system. Animal studies have shown that the fungus also has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-tumor effects.
14. "Acai berry"
Known by the term "super food", acai berry also produces antioxidants like blueberries. Only, acai berry antioxidant content is higher and is often called anthocyanins. Although the acai berry can not dispesifikkan to combat certain diseases, antioxidant believed to help your body fight aging and disease. Acai berry most often ditemukkan in juices or smoothies or dried and mixed with granola (cereal).
15. "Elderberry"
In a study conducted found that the herb made from elderberry extract is able to block the flu virus. Several small studies conducted in humans showed that this material can help you recover faster from the flu. However, scientists cautioned that further study is still needed. Elderberry itself rich in antioxidants and has the ability to relieve inflammation.
Toxins can be found or contained in any place, one of which contained in tanaamn. This is her fifth most poisonous plant known.
Many people do not know what plants are toxic and can be harmful to the body. As quoted from HowStuffWorks, there are 5 most toxic plants known, namely:
1. Oleander

Nerium oleander oleander plants or plant is considered as the most poisonous in the world. Because of all parts of the plant contain toxins and composed of several types of poison. But the most dangerous poisons are oleandrin and neriine which can strongly affect the heart.
However this plant is often used as decoration and comes from the Mediterranean region with a high reaching 1.8 to 5.4 meters.
Jka swallow leaves that contain these toxins will cause symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, drowsiness, dizziness, irregular heartbeat and death. If the victim is rescued before 24 hours, then the chance for high survival. Usually patients are encouraged to throw up by pumping the stomach or eat activated charcoal to absorb toxins.
2. Water Hemlock

Plants or water hemlock Cicuta maculataand is an attractive plant with purple leaves striped white and small fruit. These plants originate from North America to the height reached 1.8 meters and thrive along the river banks, swamps, lowland and wet meadows.
Toxins contained in this plant is called cicutoxin existing plants and most concentrated around the roots. These toxins cause a stiff and painful cramps, nausea, vomiting, cramps and tremors (shaking) of muscle. Even if the survivors of these toxins will usually suffer from amnesia.
3. Rosary Pea (tanaman saga)
Rosary pea plants or seeds of Abrus precatorius is a beautiful mix of colors seen with red and black, so it is often used for jewelry. These seeds contain toxins abrin and will be dangerous if the seed layer is damaged or scratched. Jewelry makers therefore more susceptible to toxins than the wearer. This plant can reach 20 meters high and spread across the country especially the tropical and sub-tropics.
Abrin toxin is more deadly than ricin, since less than 3 micrograms abrin or not until the seeds are quite deadly. Symptoms of poisoning that arises is difficulty breathing, fever, nausea, there is fluid in the lungs. If the seed is swallowed may cause nausea, vomiting, dehydration, kidney failure, liver and spleen. Death usually occurs within 3-5 days.
4. Deadly Nightshade (Kecubung)

Rosary pea plants or seeds of Abrus precatorius is a beautiful mix of colors seen with red and black, so it is often used for jewelry. These seeds contain toxins abrin and will be dangerous if the seed layer is damaged or scratched. Jewelry makers therefore more susceptible to toxins than the wearer. This plant can reach 20 meters high and spread across the country especially the tropical and sub-tropics.
Abrin toxin is more deadly than ricin, since less than 3 micrograms abrin or not until the seeds are quite deadly. Symptoms of poisoning that arises is difficulty breathing, fever, nausea, there is fluid in the lungs. If the seed is swallowed may cause nausea, vomiting, dehydration, kidney failure, liver and spleen. Death usually occurs within 3-5 days.
5. Castor Bean (Jarak)

Castor bean plants, known as ricinus communis, is widely cultivated for castor oil and also as an ornamental plant. In fact, these plants contain a deadly toxin called ricin. Formerly this plant is commonly found in Africa, but can now be found all over the world. This plant grows well in arid regions and does not require special care.
Most of the ricin concentrated in the seed layer, thus eating three seeds of this plant can kill a child. Seed poisoning symptoms are nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, internal bleeding, circulatory and renal failure. Besides the dust in these seeds can also cause allergic reactions such as coughing, muscle pain and difficulty breathing.

1. Bajaj is very noisy and smoke like a fire, standing behind the three-wheeler could be one of the disaster.
2. Bajaj like cornering at random, and the gravity of the sudden, lethal corner supposedly known only to God and the driver himself.
3. Never bargain price of bajaj lower than the first bids the elder brother, especially when I have to because it's just different vein Pull 1000perak, once again do not. Fast to furious lovers may be pleased to see it, but as a passenger, the lives at stake, the elder brother would drag as tight as can be driven bajaj dekilnya and inserts tikungannya also rely more powerful than usual. The older boy would not hesitate to rotate 180 degrees in order to satisfy his desire for failing a bargain.
4. Believe me, 90 out of 100 people who ride three-wheeler due to forced circumstances.
5. Rates bajaj sometimes very unreasonable, differing slightly with a taxi meter.
6. Too often felt a vibration in the three-wheeler can cause permanent irritation in the crotch and body movement is no longer balanced, but it heard the sound of wind noise muffler for 10 minutes the same effect with 100 minutes when you are clubbing.
7. Believe do not believe, corner and brake wheeler we can do with one touch (called a one-touch technology), how, slap shoulders of the elder brother.
8. Bajaj there are several types, most ornery bajaj type called 'Bajaj Sporty', the difference can be seen from the buttocks bajaj dived more than the original three-wheeler. Type bajaj like this should be avoided if the biker in the rain or muddy.
9. Bajaj did not care about traffic delays and also the circumstances therefore the passengers, which is important while bajajnya able to enter the narrow gap as long as even a slight angle passable he will continue to try, this is the most highly frustrating the bikers and other motorists, since often bajaj should cover road can pass the biker.
10. Bajaj grudge against the deer, such as a city bus to the busway hate.