Friday, July 1, 2011

Chili Snake small but very venomous worm

This snake who actually is all around us, even in large kota2 jg there are many snakes ini.Cuma chili because of its size & little man who lived underground, so rare yg liat
Family: ELAPIDAEScientific name: Maticora intestinalCharacteristics: Back in black, along the body banded yellow / orange and forked in the head, abdomen colored black and white striped, red-tail, the maximum length of 50 cmcanine type: Proteroglypha, located on the front of the upper jaw. Permanent and relatively shortcould type: neurotoxin, damaging the nerve cells so that individuals who develop respiratory snake venom is not able to take oxygen for cell snake chili, Ulo lattice, ula kawek, Ulo iron, ground snake, worm snake, blind snakehabitat deployment: Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, southern Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Singapore and the Philippines.
resultant effect of this snake bites:o Dizzinesso Vomitingo Feeling uncomfortableo Wound swelling (1-2 hours)o Very sleepyo Awareness downo Breath gasping senalo Limbs difficult diggerakkano It is hard to swallowo Speak clearly lesso Eyes dilatedo Eyelids closed
fatal cases of snake bite chilli:- A little boy a bath after playing the ball lsg fever ktika go rumah.Ibunya morbidly lsg bring this child to the hospital, thinking that this child's fever biasa.akibatnya experiencing shortness of breath & body turned blue, and when taken to the hospital the next morning, his life is not tertolong.Dokter who claimed the child was exposed to examine the snake venom kisi.dan when pool balls where the boy was playing last night, drained, it turns out there is a nest of snakes underneath the lattice
- Adults who never bitten by a snake, but instantly retrievable medical treatment & care slama 5 days.
This small species has a venom neurotoxin type a very strong and should watch out for snakes though nature does not agresif.Habitatnya in the forests, and sometimes breed in the area of ​​landscaping and perkebunan.Hidupnya underground, and the staple food is eggs, frogs small and other small hewan2.When it feels threatened, this snake turned lower body, which is dramastis shows black and white.
Snake sightings chili (Maticora intestinal)habitat: the area of ​​standing water and muddystaples: small snakes & frogs

Unique Collection of unique Hotels and Weird in the World

Capsule Hotel
Hotel Kapsul (mirip tempat penyimpanan mayat)The Capsule Inn Akihabara, is a unique hotel that only exists in Japan, you try to imagine how to live in such a narrow size 1 x 2 meter-like storage bodies in the morgue, although in these capsul sembit but it was full of amenities. delingkapi mattress, TV, Radio also Wireless LAN (WiFi) in the stakes at a price of 3700 yen per night. Some employees use this kind of hotel for overtime and work well istirahan when they could not leave the office. We have many foreign tourists interested in trying to stay in the Capsule Hotel ini.Hotel Capsules (like storage bodies)Capsule Hotel (where the corpse-like)

Vampire Hotel

Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin, the hotel is strange and somewhat creepy how tidakhotel which has 31 rooms is like in the movies vampire or a vampire that we often see, where we can sleep in a coffin normally filled by a vampire. The rooms are very unique as for may be very suitable for those of you who love to adventure travel hobby.
Hotel with a bed in a coffin like a vampire
Hotel dengan tempat tidur di peti mati seperti vampire
Hotel with a bed in a coffin like a vampire

Hotel UnderwaterPrivate island is not only fun for a tourist place but we can also develop as a tourist submarine is very beautiful where we can see many spesias (biota) good underwater coral reefs are very beautiful as well as thousands of fish, marine fish are very charming. Under the sea Poseidon Resort in the coral island resort in Fiji developed a very captivating underwater consists of luxurious villas and suites for those of you who like adventure travel. planned to be opened to the public in 2010. From our room, guests can see the broad view of the sea real.
Hotel dengan kamar dibawah laut sungguh indah dan menawan

Hotel Pipa Gorong-Gorong

Hotel Drainage Pipe DrainageDasparkhotel is a hotel in Austria, made the room with the room from the drainage pipes / culverts are commonly used for plumbing. So in the sewers that it was in the design of our beds, cabinets, good lighting and bedding. Prices are set for this inn are very flexible. And they are preparing for a toilet, shower and minibar in room service cafe is also common visitors.
Hotel dengan kamar terbuat dari pipa drainase (gorong-gorong)

Ice HotelHotel is located in Sweden is made daribe how big blocks of ice blocks and almost similar to the concept of eskimo house, but very large. The temperature was really cold. Imagine in the lobby of the hotel there are many statues of ice sculpture. While the guests sleep in a sleeping bag (Sleeping Bag) with a special heating or thermal systems are made from reindeer skin. You can enjoy a glass of vodka and warm Lingonberry interrupted between your breaks.
Hotel Es, sangat dingin dibawah titik beku
Ice Hotel, a very chilled below the freezing point
Old Jail HotelHotel created from a former old prison, really feel like we live in a prison but we have the freedom to go out into the cell. Some of the cells and prisons in the hotel lock system is also tailored to the needs of the prison was not the case in general.
Penjara tua yang disulap menjadi sebuah hotel
Old prison that had been transformed into a hotel
There are among you who are interested in trying one of them?

D.R Leonid , one who Able to operate on Itself

April 29, 1961, a doctor from the Russian Antarctic expedition (the South Pole of Earth) at the station expedition "Novolazarevskaya", Leonid Rogozof (27 years), had a fever and the bottom of her stomach was very painful.

The next day the situation is getting worse. It was impossible in the polar regions are remote that he hired a plane to take him to hospital. No way did she ask for help to another doctor, because he is the only physician in the expedition.

Finally on the night of 30 April 1961, Dr. Leonid forced to perform surgery on himself, to cut and remove their organs in the form of an appendix (appendix) which has been inflamed.

In the operation, he uses local anesthesia (local anesthesia), assisted by a mechanic and a meteorologist who is in the expedition.

As he lay half-bent toward the left side, he injects into his liquid local anesthetic "novocaine", then do a 12 cm incision along the right abdominal (iliac) with a scalpel.

By looking through a small mirror and groping, Leonid performing surgery, removing the appendix, and abdominal inject antibiotics, stitch the wound. Both the "assistant" (mechanical and metrologist) helps small to hold the mirror near the stomach and gives medical equipment to Leonid. This operation runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete.

Five days postoperatively, temparatur Leonid body back to normal, and 2 days later the wound sutures removed.

All the equipment used to perform a spectacular operation, now located and exhibited in museums "Arctic and Antarctic" in St.. Petersburg, Russia