2. Mosquitoes: Insects worst There was no mistaking that the mosquito has become the world's worst insect. At night when we lay in bed, we could hear them buzzing, but we can not see them - and then the morning a lot of welts appeared on our bodies. In addition he is also the most deadly insect in the world for spreading malaria and dengue fever, the fact that half the human population has died, died because of this.

3. Derivative of fatal insomnia: the worst symptoms of the disease Insomnia derivative is a disease found only in 28 families worldwide. The disease is preventing you from sleeping and there are no drugs available that can help you. When the disease began to attack, the patient will not be able to sleep nights for 7-36 months until death. Stages of the disease are as follows:
Patients experiencing insomnia levels, causing panic, paranoia, and phobias. This stage lasts for about four months.
Hallucinations and panic going on for about five months.
Inability to sleep is followed quickly by losing weight. This lasted for about three months.
Patients become mute or unresponsive for six months. This is the latest development of the disease, and then the patient will die.
Patients experiencing insomnia levels, causing panic, paranoia, and phobias. This stage lasts for about four months.
Hallucinations and panic going on for about five months.
Inability to sleep is followed quickly by losing weight. This lasted for about three months.
Patients become mute or unresponsive for six months. This is the latest development of the disease, and then the patient will die.
4. The bullet ant: worst bites Ants bite the bullet has ranked the most painful in the world because of illness such as hit, which can be explained as follows: "waves of pain like a burn for up to 24 hours". These ants are found in southern Nicaragua to Paraguay. Like other ants, they live in large colonies which are usually located at the base of the tree. Ants are used in a ritual ceremony for boys Satere-Mawe tribe in Brazil. Boys wear gloves with hundreds of ants - they have to suffer the bite for 10 minutes and they must perform this ritual several times. Arm boys who menlakukan ritual is usually temporary paralysis caused by toxins and their bodies could be shivering for a few days.

6. Carrion flowers: Flowers smell bad palig This plant is found in many forests in Sumatra. The flowers are only one in every plant known to produce odors that smell like a rotting corpse. The color is similar to rotting flesh to trick insects so caught up in it and to be ingested as food. End of the flower has a temperature equal to human body temperature, the same that is used to trick their prey and also help to spread the stench that attracted the attention of their prey.

7. Nomad Brazil spiders: Spiders worst Large-sized spider bite has the most deadly and painful deaths attributable Spider bites are reaching the highest level in world of Spider.

8. Candiru: Fish worst This fish is extremely dangerous than piranha. Why? Found that many fish in the Amazon River is the lifeblood of this food prey like a vampire. The smell of human urine will be invited. So do not piss in the Amazon River skipper!

This poison is so deadly because it is sufficient to 1 kg only so he can kill the entire human population on Planet Earth. Does this make botulinum toxin human shunned. No, because in today many women who inject this poison into their faces to remove wrinkles caused by aging treatment called Botox (Botulinum Toxin). So for the likes of Botox have to know the abbreviation!