What causes a bull is disturbed, because someone is waving a cloth in her face. View of color is a deceptive subject. In the view of the human eye has a rod that is sensitive to light, but does not provide information about the color. But the bull got, and it works well in dim light or dark.
Like when seen at night, color perception become blurred because of the dark. Stem the human eye is equipped with three types of cone cells, each sensitive to different wavelengths of light, waves of red, green, and blue. Every color that we know, can be represented as a combination of basic colors.
When something goes wrong with the basic view of this aspect, it produces color blindness, which usually form an incomplete inability to distinguish colors, rather than narrow the range of colors that can be felt. Humans have a common view of color as in fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds. Some animals see more colors than we can, for example bees.
Partial BlindColor perception is the brain's response on the stimulus received by the retina. Has identified three types of cone photoreceptor cells (which needed to be able to distinguish colors) namely blue, green, and red. It takes a minimum of two cells to be able to distinguish colors, and normal color vision is required on all three. Color blindness is usually caused by hereditary factors. Of heredity is the most frequently found are red-green defect cells. Color blindness is associated with X-recessive gene, so descended by the mother (not necessarily having a color blind, because the gene is recessive) to his son. In a person with partial color blindness, may have defects in red or green cone cells so it can not perceive color and its derivatives, is also difficult to distinguish.
Ga bull Cause like red cloth itself because it's actually ga bull like waving the fabric, not the color of the fabric itself. Bull had a disease which he ga partially blind can see the color / color-blind. But as usual emang udah pake matador red cloth as a tool for action against the bull, we consider the red color of the bull who ngebuat ballistic.