It turns out that scientists do not always become "saints" in the world of science / science, they do not encounter problems forever uphold the scientific method to find the truth within science. Various cases of hoax (hoax) within science often come from the past until now, among them the elbow public attention are discussed below.
1. Piltdown Man

In the year 1912 when Charles Dawson, an amateur British archaeologist found a skull, teeth & jaw in an excavation pit at Piltdown, Sussex, England. Piltdown Man skull looks like half man & half-ape. Dawson claimed to have found the missing chain (missing link) between man & ape, he named his findings Eoanthropus dawsoni. 40 years later scientists, through modern testing, may prove bhw skull Dawson's findings only a few hundred years old, & the jawbone of an orangutan, while the teeth of elephants and hippos.
2. Benjamin Franklin's kite Electricity On October 19, 1752, Pennsylvania Gazette published a brief overview of the experiment who had just made Benjamin Franklin. According to the news, Franklin was flying a kite within a lightning storm, causing the electricity travels through a yarn & loaded keys are tied underneath. This experiment to show that lightning a / a form of electricity. Franklin's electric kite became the most famous experiments in the 18th century, Franklin made famous in Europe & USA. However, some historians argue, the possibility of such experiments ill never happened. The reason, they lack detailed information about the experiments they will reply. Scr is not known exactly when the experiment was performed. Franklin also never wrote an official report on this matter. The only witness a / son, but never reveal important events page. Moreover, such experiments are very dangerous, even fatal, Franklin himself knew it.
3. Giant from Cardiff
In October 1869, 10 feet tall petrified corpses unearthed from a farm in Cardiff, New York. Cardiff Giant was big news then, said the discovery as the biggest geologic time, & many citizens visited the United States, they are willing to pay 25 cents to watch a giant man page. But at the beginning of year 1870, the discovery was revealed bhw just a ruse. Cardiff giant a / a sculpture created by George Hull, who is made of gypsum blocks shaped like a human being as high as 10 feet & was buried in a field in Cardiff, then engineered to be "discovered" by seorg workers.
4. Mermaid from Fiji
July 1842, British seorg, Dr. J. Griffin, a member of the British Lyceum of Natural History, arrived in New York City & bring a mermaid who allegedly stranded in the Fiji Islands, South Pacific. Within a show at the American Museum, the Fiji mermaid was exhibited, his figure far from seorg beautiful women, but the dried carcass of a monkey-bodied fish. From the museum research they will be, it turns out a Fiji mermaid / sham, full of life a / carcass ape yg dimumi through taxidermy techniques (dry science of animal carcasses). By stitching the two species were united to form a mermaid, where the top monkey & down the fish's body. Fiji mermaid was made around 1810 by Japanese fishermen for the purpose of religious ceremonies, as well as traditional art Japanese fishermen.
5. Archaeoraptor
Archaeoraptor liaoningensis first published within the magazine National Geographic 1999. Through an article written Christopher Sloan, the fossil was declared as missing link between theropod dinosaurs & birds, & can really fly. Prior to National Geographic publishing, has many who doubted the authenticity of the fossil. Inevitably a scandal when a scientific study of fossils from China is proving a / false, krn formed from parts of the fossil with a different species. Zonghe Zhou, seorg Chinese paleontologist, found the head & upper body fossil specimens belonging Yanornis primitive bird, Microraptor's tail section, while the leg & foot belongs to irrational animals.
6. Turk, Chess Robot
Mechanical Turk or a chess robot / machine-designed chess game & found in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kempelen seorg Hungarian engineer. These machines seem to be able to play chess against humans. For nearly 84 years Turk around Europe & the United States to demonstrate its ability to defeat his opponents, no less than Napoleon Bonaparte class statesman Benjamin Frankin & knees to hand it to this robot chess player. Lies began to unfold in the 1820s when Edgar Allan Poe was able to prove bhw a tiny chess master was hidden within the machine as the operator in chess TSB.
7.Upas Tree
A news magazine published in London within seorg pd 1783 by the Dutch surgeon named Foersch. He mentioned the existence of a tree on the island of Java, a very poisonous & can kill anything within a radius of 15 miles. At first hny a legend. In 1791 Erasmus Darwin wrote a note within a poem, "There is a poisonous tree of Java, through the medium of the air had destroyed the village they will be ... within areas 12 or 14 miles the ground so barren & rocky, here and there, filled with human skulls & animals. "poison tree do exist in Indonesia. Although not mentioned within such potentially lethal to legend, the sap of this tree are toxic, by the local population is used as a weapon at the end of the arrows.
8. Loss of Genes Bollywood
Blonde hair loss issues scr genes appear periodically since 1865, the latest version appears again in 2002, when the BBC & other media reports, the World Health Organization (WHO) & the experts stated, blond-haired man who would become extinct in the year 2202. This claim is based on the interpretation of a recessive trait within the science of genetics. But the WHO has denied through his report in The New York Times, the agency has no knowledge about this study, then WHO scr bhw officially confirm this story a lie