Tuberculosis Like the flu, germs of tuberculosis (TB) spreads through the air when people cough, sneeze, or spit. Socially, people with TB connoted as "dangerous" because infectious disease to other people so isolated from its environment.
TB in Indonesia the third highest in the world after India and China. Symptoms of TB include coughing, fever, blood mixed sputum, weight dropped dramatically, chest pain, shortness of breath, and sweating at night. However, if the patient taking any medications and routine discipline went to the doctor, then the disease will be cured of TB.
Hepatitis In Indonesia, which found many types of hepatitis are hepatitis A, B, and C. Hepatitis A is lighter than most other types of hepatitis and now, even the existing vaccine. Transmission occurs through contaminated food or water stools of patients, such as eating fruits and vegetables are not cooked or drink with ice cubes that the process is contaminated.
Hepatitis B and C virus is transmitted through blood and infected body fluids, including blood transfusions, sexual contact, tattooing, piercing, and injection. To prevent spread, avoid using tools that could be contaminated with blood, such as razors, toothbrushes, syringes, tattooing or piercing equipment; do safe sex, such as condoms; and hepatitis B immunization
Malaria Malaria is an infectious disease caused by plasmodium parasites that live in human red blood cells and is transmitted by mosquitoes, Anopheles. This parasitic disease is still a plague in some areas in Indonesia.
Unlike the mosquito causes dengue fever, malaria spreading mosquitoes breed in pools of natural water, such as around the river, rice paddies, fields and forests, including in areas of former floodwaters. The disease is easily recognizable from feverish symptoms (chills and shivering) and prolonged fever.
Chickenpox Almost everyone has had chickenpox as a child. This is because the varicella virus causes chickenpox zooster among the most easily transmitted from person to person. This virus can also cause herpes. Although incurable, do not underestimate the disease has been known for hundreds of people this year because of complications can occur a number of diseases. Former fluid-filled bubbles can leave pockmarks that interfere with performance.
Transmission of smallpox occurs through the saliva of the sick or splashing through the liquid that comes out when the bubbles burst in the skin. Patients can transmit the disease 24 hours prior to abnormalities in the skin arise until seven days later. Because it is so contagious, the patient should be isolated until cured.
Influenza It was almost all humans on earth are very familiar with the disease is most contagious. Influenza viruses can move easily from one person to another, just as we move from one site to another. Transmission occurs due to direct contact, such as sneezing and coughing, or indirect transmission such as touching a contaminated doorknob virus.
Most influenza viruses cause mild symptoms of muscle pain, cough, clean, fever, headache, fatigue, and nasal congestion. However, there are also symptoms of influenza can be deadly, like the Spanish flu that killed more than 40 million people worldwide between 1918 and 1920. What to watch out for is, until the current flu virus continues to mutate and cause various diseases, such as bird flu or swine flu.