It takes some courage for both sipencurinya or the collector to store "objects", there being sold and turned into a valuable collection. Here's a list of ten most famous theft of body parts in the face of the earth:
01. Maori's Head
Last week, the French National Assembly chose to return the mummified head of the Maori tribe of 16 people from various museums return to their homeland in New Zealand. In traditional Maori practice, often tattooed Maori skull bones who died, were kept as sacred objects to honor their spirit. But the charm of the colonial era that led to lucrative trade horrible, and many Maori chiefs who embalmed and brought to Europe in the 19th century, the tattoos and beheaded by force by local and foreign opportunists.
At one time, more than 500 Maori chiefs languishing in the basement of European museums, in just the last two decades the New Zealand government asked the heads are returned kenegaranya. has more than 320 head have been repatriated. "You do not build a culture in trade," said the French culture minister, Frederic Mitterand, on May 5.
02. Bone Santa Claus
During the Middle Ages, the body of the saint attracted pilgrims from all over the world. One of the most famous is St. framework theft. Nicholas, a model for Santa Claus. made into a bag of bones that are very valuable. In 1087, the Italian city of Bari to hire people - some people call them pirates while others refer to them as "special sailor" - to steal the St. Nicholas of Myra, a city in Turkey today. Santa bones theft is still celebrated in Bari with the annual parade and fireworks.
03. The skull of Geronimo
This is a strange fate that the bones of one of America's most fearsome enemies come to define one of the most sacred institutions of power. Apache warlord Geronimo, launched an attack in the Southwest and Mexico to avoid U.S. troops and for nearly three decades until his capture in 1886.
exile after his death in the U.S. in 1909: Six members of the Yale Skull and Bones a secret organization, including Prescott Bush, grandfather of President George W. Bush, allegedly dug graves Geronimo.Sampai now his grave is still a mystery.
04. Heart Boleyn
Henry VIII of England divorced his first wife and marry Anne Boleyn is intelligent and smart. But Henry, he is expected male heir, he thought the marriage was doomed after Anne just gave birth to a daughter and several miscarriages. The king accused him of having an affair with the commoners and even his own brother. Anne Boleyn was promptly arrested and beheaded in the Tower of London in 1536, and legend says that on the orders of King Henry, his heart is taken. Allegedly, Henry secretly put in a coffin-shaped heart in a small room of the church in Suffolk, until it was rediscovered in 1836 and reburied under the church organ.
05. Brain of Benito Mussolini
In 1966, twenty-one years after Benito Mussolini was executed, the U.S. gives the brain of former Italian dictator returned to his widow. In the diary Rachele Mussolini, he wrote that, to her horror, she finds Americans have been "taking half of his brain," explained that Americans should have "want to know what makes a dictator." Apparently the U.S. government has asked a sample of brain, of course, Il Duce to learn, but also as a trophy horrible. Forty-three years later, the grandson of Alessandro Mussolini reported to police that someone was selling glass bottles presumably remaining parts of the brain and blood of Mussolini on eBay for sale for 15,000 Euros. ebay listing was removed immediately.
06. Napoleon's penis
People have been fixated on the penis of Napoleon from Napoleon's physician allegedly cut during an autopsy in 1821 and gave it to a priest in Corsica. Penis, which is not well maintained, has been stored for years so that makes it resemble a piece of skin wrinkles. until In 1977, the urologist who lives in New Jersey bought the "legacy" was $ 3,000 and kept under his bed until he died 30 years later. Napoleon's penis and her daughter had inherited the auction for $ 100,000.
07. The remains of Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine, one of the greatest men in American history, a hero of the American and French revolutions and allegedly the first person to write the words "United States," died in miserable circumstances in Manhattan. Only six people attended his funeral, and nursery rhymes that were popular at the time of his death to go:
Poor Tom Paine! There he lay:
Nobody laughed and nobody cried
Where he had gone or how he was appreciated
Nobody knows and nobody cares
Even after his death, Paine could not rest in peace. Several decades later, a journalist William Cobbett, Paine's skeleton dug up the grave and sent to England where he hoped to build a proper memorial. Cobbett could not raise the money needed, so Paine displaced in a suitcase in the attic. After the death of Cobbett, Paine remained disappeared. Legend has it that his bones were turned into buttons, although in the 1930's, a woman in Brighton claim to have his jaw bone. Poor Tom Paine!
08. Part of St. feet. Francis Xavier's
In the 16th century, St. Francis Xavier spent much time on his feet, spreading the gospel all over Spain, France, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, Sri Lanka and India, died at sea en route to China. When a group of Christians interested in jenazahnyanya, Portuguese woman alone to take his big toe. Allegedly he was captured when people are horrible to follow in the footsteps of his house. Today, St. Francis Xavier's legs are on display in a silver coffin in a cathedral. And it's not the only body part that sajadari St. Xavier's corpse for tourist destinations: There is a diamond-encrusted fingernails on display in a different village, part of the arm were sent to Rome, and his hands in Japan.
09. The head of King Badu Bonsu II

In 1838, after the beheading of two Dutch emissaries of King Badu Bonsu II, ruler of Ahanta tribe in Ghana, was beheaded by the Dutch army. For over 150 years, the head of King Bonsu was missing until a writer is stored in bottles of formaldehyde found in Dutch museums. Ghana immediately asked the head of the king returned, in July 2009, members of the Ahanta flew to The Hague and held a mourning ceremony included a sacred liquid poured on the floor of the State Department before taking his king's head back to Ghana.
10. African Purloined
The beginning of the last century, no less brave and wealthy Europeans traveled to Africa to bring the animal skin. safari can always generate a gift rhinos or lions. However, in 1830, a pair of France found the body of a man who had been killed in the African Kalahari desert, then embalmed like a doll to show in Europe, black leather polished to shine so that makes it seem more "African" - The body was eventually exhibited in a small museum in the northern Spanish town of Banyoles to a local doctor Haitian descent complained about it in 1992. body was finally returned to Botswana in 2000 and was buried in front of hundreds of local officials and foreign diplomats.