20 Most Horrible Torture Tools SHOESORTURE Shoes injakannya who are duri2 sharp iron which is used to handcuff the feet of the inmates in prison.
Heretic's Fork
2 eyes front forks rear was tied at the neck, one direction at the plug under his chin and one again in the plug below the neck.
This tool is used specifically to punish the women. Women are told to sit in a chair above the nail on the river and after that the chair in the river who naikturunkan from within and dirty until the woman has been killed out of breath.
The inside of the sharp spikes to puncture his arm kaki.Seharusnya this tool uses a nail into the wood antecedent arms front and rear legs, but because there are pictures ga.
Water Torture
This punishment came from Eastern Europe and usually do well in Japan. These penalties are forcing the victim to drink large amounts of water! and after the victim could not stand it anymore, well that's when the punishment is done, the executioner jumped right on top of already bloated stomach ... who passed up the dead ..
CAT'S Paws
Very simple, the victim was tied and the lift and this tool will perlahan2 tear the skin and the whole body of the victim to the bone.
Both victim's hands and feet tied with rope in the opposite direction and the rope is pulled by force using the machine until the victim's body was destroyed and split 2
Quartering BY HORSES
Just as The Rack, but if this one by one the hands and feet tied one one and drawn by horses and simultaneously using the victim's body in a moment everything is disconnected from the body.
Well this is a tool to punish a woman's genitals are the vagina. the tool is inserted into the vagina and this tool will open (as shown above) by force and strong so that the victim will instantly torn vagina.
Dikota2 who perpenduduk Penalty Catholic religion is intended kpd orang2 in collaboration with mahkhluk occult, victims are forced to drink boiling water, and charcoal grilled.
Hanging THE CAGE
Victims will be inserted into a cage with a naked and hung the cage in the high places. The victim will feel the weather is very hot or very cold and worse casualties dikasi not eat and drink .. just wait for death.
Victim's head placed on the pedestal these tools later the executioner will rotate slowly narrows the big screw in the head .. Dental victim will break the upper jaw and nasal bones as well .... conclusion ... Skull Crushed total.
THE Burning at the Stake
At the time of BC in central Europe there is a science to learn about the magic ... Many argue that the magic that uses the power setan.artinya contrary to the teachings of God .. in the 15th century until the 17th century, conducted a witch hunt against a woman on a large scale. people who use magic will be arrested and forced labor, tortured and executed.
Victims in the occupied place holder that pyramid-shaped with the tip pointed and sharp reply and adjusted weight with the victim. feet, hands tied with rope victims were not given food and minum.Hukuman for treason.
Just Like Judas Cradle only for the victim's feet are weighted so that the punishment benar2 punctured in the triangular taper.
It is the iron maiden figures contained in the manga "Shaman King". In this armor are duri2 sharp .. you know .. but not all are intentional sharp duri2 placed on the eyes, hands, feet, stomach, and in fact it was not enough to kill the victim but the victim is left intentionally punctured duri2 feel pain in 2 days !!...
Interrogation CHAIR
Seats to interrogate suspects who do not want to testify on this kejahatannya.Kursi Fully met by sharp spikes under the seat and given a fire to heat the seat until his buttocks tergelupas paku2 punctured her skin and sharp .. (What a sadist)
Sharp spear ... The victim who was buried standing naked through a hole pierced through the throat, anus and out through my mouth .. this sentence can be witnessed by the public.
The victim is tied naked in the legs and behind his body trus length of the chain saw will cut off the genitals to the head to split into two parts
Naked victims will be bound in a wheel besar.Kaki, hands, neck, wrists and feet. These wheels are hung on high place and crows will eat crow victim .. eits not alone,, the victim will be dried in the hot sun. At night the victim affixed a hot iron to keep the victim still awake ... This punishment continued until the victim feels no longer afford and dead ..
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