Kraken is a monster who is described as a giant creature that dwells in the sea area of Iceland and Norway. These creatures are called frequently attacked the ships passing by rolling it with its giant tentacles and pull it down.
Kraken word itself comes from the word "Krake" of the Scandinavian language meaning refers to an animal that is not healthy or something weird. This word is still used in modern German language to refer to Octopus.

Character KrakenWe may think Kraken is just a part of the tale, but they are not. Kraken designation first appeared in book Systema Naturae, written Carolus Linnaeus in 1735.
Mr. Linnaeus was the first person to classify living things into the class-faction. In his book, he classifies the Kraken into class with a Latin name Chepalopoda Microcosmus. So, arguably if the Kraken has a place in modern science.
Erik Ludvigsen Pontopiddan, Bishop of Bergen is also a naturalist, once wrote in his book Natural History of Norway, published in 1752 when the Kraken "is undeniable, is the largest sea monster ever known".
According Pontopiddan, Kraken has a size of an island that floats and has tentacles like a sea star. He also mentions that this creature can roll up a passing ship with tentacles and pulled into the ocean floor. However, according to Pontopiddan, especially the danger of the Kraken is a sweeping ripples of water when he dived into the sea. Ripple that could sink the ship that was nearby.
Interestingly, in addition to describing the Kraken as a dangerous creature, Pontopiddan also wrote about the other side of this mysterious creature. He mentioned that the fish in the sea like being near the Kraken. Since then, the Norwegian fishermen who know this love taking risks to catch fish with his boat up to just above the Kraken.
If they return home with a lot of catches, the villagers know that the fishermen must have been fishing just above the Kraken.
Since long, these creatures are only considered as part of the mythology of the ancient equivalent of a fairy tale. But when the remains of dead beached monster Albaek, Denmark, In 1853, scientists began to realize that the legend of the Kraken may indeed be based on something real, namely the giant squid (Giant Squid), colossal squid ( Colossal Squid) or a giant octopus (Octopus Giant).
How exaggerated a squid or octopus can grow?
They could justify attacking a large ship as portrayed in the movies?
Significant sightingsIn 1801, Pierre Denys de Montfort who investigated the subject of the Kraken is found that in the Chapel of St.Thomas in St.Malo, Brittany, France, there is a painting that depicts a giant octopus is attacking a ship with a way to roll with the tentacles. The incident depicted in the painting was based on real events.

The crew then took the ax and started to fight the monster by cutting off the tentacles, tentacles. Monster went away. As a fulfillment of the vow, the crew then visited the Chapel of St.Thomas in Brittany, and hang the painting as an illustration of the events that befall them.
Unfortunately, the events that befall the sailors were not known exactly the year incurred. However, at least, a giant monster attack on a ship can not be regarded as mere myth.
In addition to paintings in the Chapel of the story of St.Thomas, Mr.Monfort also told another encounter with a creature like a giant squid or octopus suffered by captain Jean-Magnus dens of Denmark, who met with the creature's also off the coast of Angola. The giant creature attacking their ships and even succeeded in killing three crew members.
The crew of another ship that had not been idle and immediately took the cannon and fired it into the monster again and again until he disappeared into the ocean.
Captain dens estimate the monster has a length of 11 meters.
Another story occurred on 30 November 1861. When he was sailing in the Canary Islands, the French crew, Alencton, saw a giant sea monster swimming not far from the ship. The sailors quickly set up a bullet and then fired mortars towards the monster.
Monsters are scared to swim away immediately. However, Alencton ship immediately directed to chase him. When they had approached him, forks immediately dihujamkan iron into the monster's body and immediately cast nets. When the crew raised the net, the monster's body broken and crushed and then promptly fell into the water, leaving only a portion of the tentacles.
When the ship landed and the tentacles were disclosed to the scientific community, they agreed that the crew may have witnessed a giant squid with a length of about 8 meters.
In October 1873, a fisherman named Theophile Piccot and his son managed to find a giant squid tentacle in Newfoundland. Once measured, the researchers concluded that the animal is likely to have a length of up to 11 meters.
In 1924, Frank T. Bullen published a book called The Cruise of the Chacalot. In this book, Bullen tells an extraordinary story that referred to occurred in 1875. This story makes Kraken get his eternal enemy, the Pope throwers (Sperm Whale).
According to Bullen, in 1875 she was on a ship that was sailing in the Strait of Malacca. When the full moon night, he saw a large riakan in water.
"There's a big movement in the ocean when the full moon. I grabbed the binoculars are always ready in the night hangers. I saw a huge whale throwers were involved in a great battle with a squid that has almost as big as the whale's body. Head of the whale looks like a nimble hand Just like. Pope was seen being bitten by a systematic squid tentacles. In addition to the black head, also seen a large squid head. Terrible, I never imagined the squid with the head of it. "
Bullen heard testimony, we may be tempted to say that he exaggerates or maybe just made it up. However, in October 2009, the scientific community realized that the story told Bullen probably is not just fiction. Giant squid are hostile to the Pope throwers.
In the waters in the Bonin islands in Japan, the marine researchers managed to obtain rare photographs showing a whale throwers was eating a giant squid which has an estimated length of 9 meters.

Giant Squid, Colossal Squid and Giant OctopusNow, let us know a little more three giants of our friends may have triggered the legend of the Kraken. I'll start from the Giant Squid or the giant squid.
Giant squid or squid giantGiant Squid or the giant squid Architeuthis from this genus has 8 species and is known to have a length of up to 13 meters for the females and 10 yards to the male. This size is calculated from caudal fin to the tip of tentacles. However, the size of this squid could be greater than expected.
In 1880, cut the tentacles found in New Zealand and is estimated to belong to the giant squid which has a length of 18 meters. The size is very unusual!

Giant Squid behavior is almost never known before until in 2004 when Japanese scientists succeeded in getting 556 photos of these creatures alive. The squid was caught in a trap created. When he escaped, one of the tentacles are long 5.5 meter drop. From this length, the scientists estimate that the creature has a length of 8 meters.
Colossal Squid Colossal Squid orIf we thought the giant squid already has tremendous size, then, introduce a single creature, the Colossal Squid or colossal squid.
This creature has the Latin name Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni and scientists believe that these creatures can grow up to at least have a length of 14 meters. This makes it the longest in the world of invertebrate animals. However, scientists can not be sure how long until these animals can grow.
About the Colossal Squid, Dr.Steve O'Shea, squid expert from Auckland University said:
"Now we know that this creature has a size larger than the Giant Squid. Giant Squid is no longer the biggest squid out there. Now we have something bigger. In fact it is just simply great, but actually much greater."

Colossal Squid in the photo above was captured in the Ross Sea and has a mantle length of 2.5 meters. This includes exceptional size for the Giant Squid has the largest known only 2.25 meters long coat. Moreover, the Colossal Squid over long believed to still be growing until it reaches a much larger size.
If there Kraken out there, it stands to reason that the Colossal Squid is the main suspect.
So, what's the difference Giant Squid and Colossal Squid?
Giant Squid tentacles only have suckers with holes and small teeth, while the Colossal Squid have tentacles are also equipped with sharp hooks. Some even have a third tip hooks.
Besides the two kinds of squid on top, being this one also has tentacles and can grow in size remarkable, namely the Giant Octopus.
Giant Octopus Giant Octopus orGiant Octopus, or a giant octopus can grow up to have a length of 9 meters. This long enough to make him into a monster feared by sailors. The creature is believed to Monfort as a monster who attacked the sailors off the coast of Norway in Angola that his paintings hanging in the Chapel of St.Thomas.

At present, the theory about a giant squid or octopus is considered as the most plausible explanation of the legend of the Kraken.
If we assume that the European legend that says that the Kraken has a size of an island as "exaggeration", it probably already solved the mystery of the Kraken.
But, how can we be sure?
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