Sunday, July 10, 2011

10 Asset Of Man That Make Women Crazy

The presence of a woman are complementary in the life of a man. Women can influence the attitude of a man becomes a leader, or just the opposite. There is the opinion of some women who feel they can live without a man. However, it can not be denied, but the things they can do themselves, women also love some things in a man. Anything that can make women's knees in men? Your Tango revealed 10 of them. 1. Body shape The difference between female and male body is very seductive women. Larger hands, broad chest and well-built body that makes her
feel protected when in close partner. Shape of the face is more masculine and stronger muscle is a physical form that makes him look provocative and sexy. 2. Ability to do a woman can not be done Even a very independent woman despite receptive to the male partner who spoiled him. In addition, the physical strength of men make them stronger lifting heavy objects or exterminate insects that are very disgusting in the eyes of women. 3. Sensitive side When watching a man cry, every woman must have felt he had won his heart. Tears are a sign of extreme intimacy, and the fact that he is concerned and trust you. Sensitive side of men behind him describe the softness that can make all the woman's heart melt. 4.Aroma Distinctive scent after a bath, scented aftershave, cologne and body of a man's natural scent is attractive side of a man who evoke feelings of the opposite sex. The combination often makes her curious to explore the man further. 5. Brain Scientifically, the male brain is different from female brains. Chances are it also causes more men tend to like sports, technology and technical issues that are difficult favored women. Masculine and feminine differences is what makes us a special look in their eyes. 6. A sense of humor All women love a man with a sense of humor and jokes. through a sense of humor man radiates the charm that makes them easy to laugh at the flaws and not too serious. 7. Protect nature His manner that protects and keeps the time when crossing the road or helped down the incline to make women feel flattered. Although able to take care of yourself, a guy's attention will make her feel special. 8. Clothing Typical male clothing such as blue striped shirt or sweater that showed their body shape makes women often look at him crazy. 9. Advance logic Unlike women, men greatly influenced by logic and reason rather than emotion. Despite being upset, he is able to maintain his composure in front of us who may have lost control. Peace of men make women feel more secure. 10. Desire is always lit on the people he loves Currently love someone, he will try to keep their passion against the couple even though physically has a lot of changes. For them, physical appearance is not the main thing anymore, although they would be happy if the couples wear clothing that shows sexiness in front of them. They will receive all the advantages and disadvantages of such couples receive the same woman.

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