There is one certainty in life, that one day it must end. Every living thing will eventually die; but most have a strange way to meet death, or you could say "funny" Top 10 list is written in chronological order, according to the order period. There are hundreds of examples of unusual deaths throughout history, and this is the strange death of the 10 most memorable history.
10.Chrysippus of Soli, 207 SM
10.Chrysippus of Soli, 207 SM

Chrysippus was a Greek philosopher who qualified. He spent his life thinking about the world and how it works. During his lifetime, he created a variety of theories on such topics as ethics, mathematics, physics, epistemology and religion. Favorite topic of the birth of this thinking, no doubt, and based on logic. He's in this list because of the weird and funny the way he died. He gave a drink of wine and watch a donkey eating figs from the tree. He considers what he witnessed was so funny that he started laughing incessantly Cause respiratory causes tension, and laughed out loud constantly can put strain on the liver and as in this case, causing death.
9 .Sigurt The Mighty, 892 M
9 .Sigurt The Mighty, 892 M

Sigurt Eysteinsson is the second Viking Earl of Orkney. He was a Viking leader cruel and relentless with a lot of enemies. The end of his reign, he challenged one of his enemies (Mael Brigte a buck) to combat human-per-side 40. Sigurt is the Vikings that can not be trusted, and he brought 80 people to battle, they defeated his army Mael and easy. After the battle, Sigurt decided to take the trophy victory and tied his horse's head at Mael. As he climbed, the head of Mael nudged his leg, causing a crooked tooth Mael make a small scratch on his leg. Considering there are more bacteria in the mouth of a person rather than on their buttocks, and medical knowledge was minimal at that time, it is not surprising that his leg became severely infected and he died at a later date.
8. Sir Arthur Aston, 1649 M
8. Sir Arthur Aston, 1649 M

Sir Arthur was a lifelong soldier and served under King Charles I in Inggris.Saat Civil War through the war, he lost his leg. Lost a leg to make the final downfall, death came when a burglar beat her to death with his prosthetic itself. The thieves thought that he was hiding gold coins in the space in his artificial leg (but not) yet they continue to beat until the leg was broken open. At this time Arthur had died in a brutal and futile.
7. Henry Hall, 1755
7. Henry Hall, 1755

Henry Hall was the lighthouse keeper of the Eddystone Lighthouse in Cornwall. On December 3, 1755, fire broke out at the Tower Rudyerd mostly built with wooden materials. Henry and his two companions tried to extinguish, but to no avail. They fled into the rocks beyond the lighthouse, watch the rest of the lighthouse charred and crumbling. The next morning, three of them were rescued by boat from the rocks. On December 5, Henry died suddenly without a known cause of sudden clarity. An autopsy performed soon after his death that showed that, while he was watching the lighthouses on fire, a piece of molten lead dropped into his mouth, burning through the esophagus and digestive road ends at the stomach. Doctors found a six-ounce piece of lead which had burned his stomach lining.
6 .Clement Vallandigham, 1871
6 .Clement Vallandigham, 1871

Clement Vallandigham was a member of the U.S. Congress and political opponents of President Abraham Lincoln, and represented the defendant in a murder trial when he died. The defendant is said to have killed a man during a bar fight. Clement argues that it could possibly occur in humans to shoot himself in the foot when he pulled a pistol from his pocket. As he showed with a pistol, Clement was accidentally shot himself in the foot, decided the femoral artery, resulting in the death of a few minutes later. The defendant was found not guilty because the evidence of this ridiculous lawyers and released.
5. Phillip McClean, 1926
5. Phillip McClean, 1926

On 6 April 1926 Phillip McClean and his brother (aged 16 and 13) walked into the garden they found the cassowary (bird flew 3rd largest) relaxing on their pages. These kids decide to kill the bird by hitting with the bat. Phillip began to hit with a swing of the bat but failed, and this makes the bird very angry. The bird jumped up and gave a hard kick to the neck Phillip, with big nails and the severity of kick injuries suffered enough in Phillips. Phillip managed to rise and escape, but soon fell and died after a short distance, due to severe blood loss. Cassowary bird known to be dangerous, but from the 221 attacks ever recorded, just this is the cause of death.
4. Len Koenecke, 1935
4. Len Koenecke, 1935

Alan Stacey British Formula 1 driver for Lotus. During the Belgian Grand Prix 1960, Alan drove 160 km / h - 250 km / h, when a bird flew into his face. Alan lost control of the car and she climbed the embankment to the intense competition, which sent him flying into the thick bush fence, until it stops at the square outside the fence. It is still not known exactly how or when Alan died in this accident: whether the force that broke the neck of the bird, or bird which makes it unconscious and then caused him to die in an accident resulting colossal. In the end, it was concluded that it is irrelevant if dikatan he died in an accident because, with luck like that, death is not so much.
3. Alan Stacey, 1960
3. Alan Stacey, 1960

Alan Stacey British Formula 1 driver for Lotus. During the Belgian Grand Prix 1960, Alan drove 160 km / h - 250 km / h, when a bird flew into his face. Alan lost control of the car and she climbed the embankment to the intense competition, which sent him flying into the thick bush fence, until it stops at the square outside the fence. It is still not known exactly how or when Alan died in this accident: whether the force that broke the neck of the bird, or bird which makes it unconscious and then caused him to die in an accident resulting colossal. In the end, it was concluded that it is irrelevant if dikatan he died in an accident because, with luck like that, death is not so much.
2. Bena Tshadi Team, 1998
2. Bena Tshadi Team, 1998

In October 1998, during a football match in eastern Kasai Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, strangely terrifying lightning hit the field. Score 1-1 when the thunder struck for the visitors. This lightning killed 11 members of the team Tshadi Bena, and burned 31 others around him. The hosts (Basanga) is left completely unharmed, which makes a lot of interference suspicion of witchcraft. Strange it may seem, this is not the first example of lightning struck the football field, as a similar incident was reported just a few weeks before this incident in South Africa, where lightning struck the ground, causing several players fell to the ground and up to seven people taken to hospital. Fortunately, in that case there were no casualties.
1 . Acton Beale, 2011
1 . Acton Beale, 2011

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