Wednesday, October 12, 2011

14 Signs You'll Live Longer

In this 21st century, the average estimate of the longest human life is in the range of the age of 30 years. Very different in the past where the average person can survive much longer.
How to estimate the calculation of this dramatic? Growth in health, education, and prevention and treatment of sickness when the highest ranks. But maybe you do not know that what seems a habit every day that does not seem important, or the circumstances around in your past, can affect how long and how well you live. Here, recent research on the signs you are aged longer based on science, plus tips on how to stay healthy in the right lane.
1. You Have Your Mother when he was young.If he is aged under 25, you double the possibilities aged up to 100 compared with someone who was born to older mothers, according to experts from the University of Chicago. They estimate the mothers who have young eggs are more healthy keturuanan to inherit.
2. Is Your Tea LoversBoth green and black teas contain high concentrations of doses that can help the blood to be relaxed and protect your heart. In a study of more than 40,500 Japanese men and women, those who drank five or more cups of green tea per day had a lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes. Other studies involving black tea also showed similar results.
3. You Like To WalkPeople who "fit" - defined as those who walked 30 minutes a day - four times longer life than those who walked less than that. Something similar also, women who are overweight can improve their heart health by adding 10 minutes to walk in their activities in daily routine. So walk during your lunch hour, do it round while it is waiting on your child practice playing ball on the ground - look for ways to move more, every day.
4. Avoiding Your SodaExperts in Boston found that drinking one or more regular or diet cola every day doubling your risk of metabolic syndrome - such as high blood pressure, insulin levels go up, and excessive fat on the waist, which can increase the likelihood of heart disease and diabetes.
5. You Have Strong LegsStrong lower body translates into good balance, flexibility, and endurance.
6. You Eat Purple Food ColorA bag of grapes, blueberries, red wine: dense and rich color that they get from polyphenols - compounds that reduce the risk of heart attack and can also protect against Alzheimer's disease, according to new research. Polyphenols help to keep the blood vessels and arteries to keep them flexible and healthy. "What's good for your coronary arteries is also good for blood vessels in your brain," said Robert Krikorian, PHA, director of the Cognitive Disorders Center at the University of Cincinnati.
7. Formerly Teens Who You Are Having a Healthy WeightA study from the Journal of Pediatrics that followed 137 African Americans from birth to age 28 found that being overweight at age 14 raises your risk for developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood. Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease than those without the condition, according to the American Heart Association.
8. You Do not Like BurgerEating more than 18 ounces of red meat per week increase your risk of cancer - the third most frequent type of exposure in the community, according to a report of the American Institute for Cancer Research.
9. Have You Ever Sit On Bench LectureA recent study from Harvard Medical School found that people with more than 12 years of formal education (even if it's just up to the first year of college) live 18 months longer than those who have years and years of schooling less. Why? The more education you have, the less your desire to smoke. In fact, only about 10 percent of adults who ever smoked college, compared with 35 percent of those with education up to secondary level or below.
10. You Really Like Your Friends"Good interpersonal relationships can act as a buffer against stress," says Micah Sadigh, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at Cedar Crest College. Knowing that you have people who support you to keep you healthy, mentally and physically. "You need friends you can talk without being judged or criticized," says Sadigh.
11. And They Also HealthyIf your closest friends gain weight more, chances are you doing the same thing can be increased 57%, according to a study of the New England Journal of Medicine. "To manage a healthy lifestyle, it is important to get in touch with people who have the same goal," said Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, the leader of this research. Join a weight loss group, or practice with a friend to street charity.
12. You Embracing New ChallengesThe man who finds himself is one who can discipline themselves, someone who organize live longer and have a 89% lower risk for developing Alzheimer's than the less rigorous, according to two studies. When you are good at focusing your attention, you use more brainpower, says lead researcher of both studies, Robert S. Wilson, PhD, a professor of neurological sciences and psychology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
Make your goals personal or career, and challenge yourself to achieve it within a certain time. Also, try new things to stimulate your brain: If you read fiction, try not ever read an autobiography. On the next day, try to remember three facts you learned from the text.
13. You Do not Have a HousekeeperJust by vacuum, mop floors, or to wipe the windows for more than half an hour, on average each person can burn about 285 calories, 30% lower risk of death, according to a study of 302 adults at age 70 and 80s.
14. You Are PenceriaThey have a positive outlook in life, a sense of purpose and community, and more healthy than "whiners" - about 10% of adults who feel good about themselves. Most of us are in the middle. "We will strive to grow, find meaning in our lives," says Corey Keyes, PhD, a professor of sociology at Emory University. "In Sardinia and Okinawa, where people are living longer, working hard is important, but not more important than spending time with family, spirituality watered, and do something for others."

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