There are rumors that Nikola Tesla, a mysterious scientist, have drafted a sweeping mighty weapon that can redefine the meaning of a war. However, after his death, design it vanished without a trace.

From all this, Tesla is best known for his contributions in research AC (Alternating Current). Because of this, he then underwent a profound hostility to his former boss, Thomas A. Edison who choose to focus on DC power (Direct Current).
Since long, Tesla's name is always associated with the remarkable discoveries that far ahead of his time. Examples Otis T. Carr, one of the engineers who also Tesla's protege, had made a shocking statement that he and his teammate named Ralph Ring had made a disc-shaped aircraft that successfully flew them as far as 10 miles with the speed of light. According to Carr, he used the principles taught Tesla in making aircraft.
In addition, Tesla's name is also often associated with the Tunguska explosion event almighty fierce. The explosion was cited as a result of Tesla's experiments when he transmits powerful electrical energy by using the Wardenclyffe tower he built.
Well, what would happen if a genius and mysterious scientist told me that he was able to make weapons of mass destruction that could make war becomes unthinkable by anyone?
Tesla Death RayIt all stems from a statement issued by the eccentric scientist in 1938.
To the reporter, Tesla announced that he could make a mighty fierce gun so anyone who has it will have a tremendous victory in every battle.
Tesla weapon in question was then known as the Tesla Death Ray, or the Tesla Death Ray.
According to Tesla:
"This weapon will send a beam of concentrated particles that will fly through the air with a velocity nearly matching the speed of light. His energy was so great that he can shed up to 10,000 enemy aircraft from a distance of 250 miles and could cause millions of dead enemy soldiers on the spot."
Weapons particles involves four discoveries are combined into one.
The first invention is a device that could negate the effect of the atmosphere of the particles.
The second invention is a method for generating electric power potential is very large.
The third invention is a method to increase the strength of the electricity generated until it reaches 50 million volts.
The fourth invention is the manufacture of an electric power tool to catapult that has been generated.
According to Tesla, two of the four above discoveries have been made and tested by him. The other two just needs a little refinement. To make it happen, it takes only $ 2 million dollars and 3 months. This amount is of course very small compared with the results that can be given. If the project is approved, it will build towers of power plants that serve as weapons in the border regions.

According to Tesla, two of the four above discoveries have been made and tested by him. The other two just needs a little refinement. To make it happen, it takes only $ 2 million dollars and 3 months. This amount is of course very small compared with the results that can be given. If the project is approved, it will build towers of power plants that serve as weapons in the border regions.
According to Tesla, if the American government decided to accept the bid, then he will begin work. But he demanded one condition. He wants the government to fully believe him and reject the intervention of "experts" other. He also said that a complete draft of this weapon has been created and stored in the archives.
Particle BeamSounds, like Tesla was fantasizing. But they are not. Jets of particles (particle beam) is actually not unusual in the world of science. We used to use this method in this modern life.
Jets of particles is actually just a light beam consisting of a variety of electromagnetic waves. One example use laser surgery is a tool that is used to operate on the brain.
However, the emission of particles discussed by Tesla of course has a different level than with a surgical instrument. If weapons of mass destruction this could actually be realized, why Tesla intend to create it?
Tesla proved to have a different view about this gun.
Weapons of Mass DestructionIn his view, weapons of mass destruction can actually prevent the war. In the year he made the announcement, World War I had recently ended and the world are preparing to enter World War II. Therefore, the Tesla has big ambitions to end the conflict that world and create world peace.
In one letter, Tesla wrote:
"For years, I tried to find a solution of humanity's toughest problems, namely how to maintain world peace."
Regarding Tesla's Death Ray, he said:
"This discovery will make war impossible. Sinar death will surround the borders of each country like an invisible Chinese wall, only," walls "is a million times more difficult to penetrate. This will make each country can not be penetrated by enemy aircraft or ground troops who stormed inside. "
In other words, according to Tesla, to prevent war, we must arm themselves with so great that other countries will carry out the attack to attack.
However, despite the great war imminent, it seems the American government does not intend to realize the idea of Tesla. Several attempts Tesla to offer his idea to several other countries are also ignored. Interest in his ideas began to crumble and be forgotten.
However, when Tesla died, the memory of the Tesla Death Ray back up to the surface. This is because the emergence of a mystery that is quite confusing.
Missing documentsOn January 7, 1943, Tesla died in his hotel room in New York in 3327 on the floor of room 33 at the age of 86 years. Because he never married, property and personal documents he had bequeathed to his family. Not long after his death, the agents of the aliens (illegal immigrants) Property Custodian, the United States Justice Department, immediately take over all the documents. This is quite surprising because Tesla was actually an official American citizen. Operation of the Alien Property Custodian is recognized by the FBI on his official website.
But the mystery does not end there. When the American government conduct a thorough inspection of all documents seized, they could not find a note about the design of the Tesla Death Ray.
In other words, the design of weapons of mass destruction is lost without a trace.
News that the loss of documents has triggered a race between the United States, Russia and Germany to track his whereabouts. But, until now, the existence of the document is still not known.
Where these documents are? Did Tesla really have a draft?
Where is the actual design of the Tesla Death Ray?Some people believe that Tesla had destroyed the draft before his death for fear of falling into the wrong hands. Others believe that people close to Tesla had managed to secure the draft before it was confiscated by the government.
General George Keegan, a retired U.S. air force intelligence chief, believes that the draft was in the hands of the Soviet Union government. This theory has emerged since the Tesla was also presented the idea to other states.
When the bid to build a network of Tesla's Death Ray does not get a response from the American government, Tesla offered his idea to the UK at a price of $ 3 million. He promised to make the UK free from enemy attacks in just 3 months. The British government also ignored his offer. Then, Tesla returned to try to offer ideas, this time to the League of Nations. This effort also failed.

When other governments think nothing of offering Tesla, considerable interest coming from the Soviet Union. It is said that in 1937, one year before Tesla announced his idea to the public, he actually has presented these to Amtorg Trading Corporation, one of the Soviet representative in New York.
Two years later, in 1939, Tesla first stage known to have tested his idea in the face of the Soviet party. Then, Tesla received a check for $ 25,000 from them. But the project was never completed.
There is a theory that Tesla actually did not build the project, but only sell the design to the Soviet Union.
This assumption is again reinforced when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Rumors say that during the war, Soviet helicopters were seen removing a strange light that is directed to the Afghan army. They are exposed to light was killed instantly and his body did not decompose up to 30 days.
When examining the corpse, the West believed that the Soviet military may have used a new type of gases killer, but many believe that the condition of the body is a result of electromagnetic weapons that high-powered catapult.
So, maybe the Soviets had succeeded in realizing the design of the Tesla Death Ray and modify it.

In addition to the theory of Russia, many also believe that the actual draft was in the hands of the union government of the United States alone.
This theory also has a fairly strong base.
DARPA (Defense Advanced Reasearch Project Agency), which is one government agency that aims to examine new weapons for the military, the real particle weapons have been experimenting since 1958, 15 years after Tesla's death. Their research the exact same principle with the idea of Tesla, although in smaller scale.
However, this project was discontinued because of two reasons, namely because the materials required by this fierce weapons are considered "high risk" and because the power needed to project a beam that exceeds the capabilities of the standard power plant used in the war.
If these two issues resolved, this project may be discontinued.
Does this mean the U.S. government has documents Tesla?
Maybe. But it may not. What was developed by DARPA did not match Tesla's claims about the power of the weapon. Some believe that the Americans did have those documents, but does not have the ability to realize it.
In addition to conspiracy theories involving the government, many also believe that the design of the Tesla Death Ray actually never existed. According to them, Tesla's Death Ray is just one of those bombastic claims provided by Tesla. Although there is no denying the genius Tesla, but many projects which he mentions never realized.
For example, in 1900, he said if he can cure TB disease with electrical oscillations. In 1927, he said if he plans to control the power of the ocean to be utilized. Then, in 1931, he claimed that he could make fossil fuels become worthless again by utilizing cosmic energy as an alternative fuel. Of course, these claims have never been realized.
So, Tesla Death Ray could be just one of the other crap Tesla.
Even though the design is there, it is understandable why the government refused. Tesla's ideas about the possibility of peace if the weapon is implemented makes no sense whatsoever. Indeed, a country that put the Tesla Death Ray will be safe from attack aircraft. However, it certainly will not be safe from attacks quietly.
If I was a leader of a country and decided to attack another country, then I would do first is to send troops attackers secretly to destroy the Tesla Death Ray in the country first before sending a squadron of fighter planes.
Moreover, Tesla has a supposition that all the leaders of countries are peace-loving leader. He did not think about the possibility of the use of such weapons as a tool to attack by a dictator. If a country installing the Tesla Death Ray and decided to attack its neighbors, then they will very easily direct the weapon to destroy a commercial aircraft.
Thus, war becomes inevitable.
So, this big idea seems also to have a major flaw.
If at this time, 67 years after Tesla's death, we still have not seen the realization of the Tesla Death Ray, it seems we should be grateful, and anyone who save drafts until now has been doing good for the world
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