Sharks are very popular as the most ferocious sea creature. Nations in the Pacific region, such as Hawaii even have to believe the myth that sharks are the keepers of the ocean. They call Aumakua.Indeed, not all types of sharks are classified as hazardous. The size and weight can not be used as guidelines shark cruelty. Well, in order to know the ruler of this ocean, we see no harm in 10 large sharks.
1. Whale Shark
2. Basking Shark
Basking shark - Latin name: Cetorhinus Maximus, ranks as the second largest shark in the world. Its length can reach 40 feet, and never been caught weighing up to 19 tons.Though big, shark species tend to be slow and not the alias predator predator, like the whale shark.
3. Great White Shark
Great White Shark (Carcharodon Carcharias), is one of the most vicious shark in the world. Can reach lengths of up to 26.2 feet and weigh up to 5000 lbs (2267.96 kg).Great White shark is the last of the type species of shark, Carcharodon. Vast territory, can be found in all seas off the coast. The movie "Jaws" was inspired by this type of shark.
4. Tiger Shark

5. Pacific Sleeper Shark
One thing that makes this interesting shark species that is one of the few sharks that can be found in the low temperature region (regions facing the poles). Although usually live in the deep ocean, with depths of up to 6500 feet below sea level.Pacific Sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus) can reach lengths of 23 feet and weigh up to 800 lbs (362.87 kg).

6. Greenland Shark

Shark Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus) also known as the 'sleeper shark', 'gurry shark', ground shark ',' gray shark 'or' Inuit Eqalussuaq.These sharks can grow to 21 feet, live in the waters around the North Atlantic near Greenland and Iceland.Amazingly, he was able to reach 200 years, because that's the sort of vertebrates (vertebrates) with the longest lifespan.
7. Great Hammerhead Shark
Great Hammerhead (Sphyma mokarran) is the biggest shark of all types of hammerhead sharks (hammerhead shark) that can live up to 20 feet.Great Hammerheads can be found all over the world like the sharks that live in the waters of the equator.Unlike the other shark, Great Hammerhead avoid humans whenever possible. In other words, these sharks are very shy.Great Hammerhead sharks are the largest ever in the human is caught by females with a weight of 1280 lbs (580.59 kg)
8. Thresher Shark
Thresher Shark is a large shark species which can reach lengths of up to 18 feet. These sharks usually live in the waters of its equator.Thresher sharks are often seen 'lean' than actual size. But do not be fooled by the tricks, because these sharks can weigh up to 1100 lbs (498.95 kg).
9. Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
Sharks Bluntnose Sixgill (Hexanchus griseus) we put at number nine. Maximum length of about 15.8 feet. Many people call it the cow sharks.Most species of shark you are already extinct. Its color varies from brown to almost black.
10. Bigeye Thresher Shark
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