Thursday, June 30, 2011

10 Jobs That Need Lie

Lying is a sin? Hmmm ... do not deny we sometimes need to lie in our lives, especially in the work. Consider just his review.
In their work, not only takes skill selling, bargaining, designing, or speak it. Lying is one skill that turned out to be owned by some of the following work:

1. Clothing salesperson"Well you must be perfect to wear this color, look right you know in the skin. Please try it, I'll help you find the right size for you. "Thus it is often said by the salesman at a boutique you visit.
When you're fun to see the collections they have, and fixated on a suit, the clerk will immediately go over and greet you warmly. Deftly they get some size to you, so you powerless to resist. As a result, you had only intended to wash the eyes, out of the boutique carrying a shopping bag. Not only good at selling, the salesman was also good at lying. You are actually more fit than slim to wear boot cut leg, but he managed to persuade you.
Skill lies: 3What is done by the clerk did not include crime, because he basically just trying to induce you to buy the goods he offers. Tempted or not it is completely under your control. But 80% of women in and out of boutiques, they managed to flirt and come home with the groceries.
2. Cosmetics saleswomanYou know why those are cosmetics saleswoman flawless? The goal is only one, to attract customers to buy their products. Although both women, but as women we also admire the beauty of other women you know. Would not be surprised if you suddenly stop at the cosmetics counter and talking with the salesman who has spent all weapons tester.
"This color will give the impression to slim your cheeks. Can be combined with a nude pink lipstick to make it look more natural and adolescents. let me show you how its application in your face. "
Skill lies: 2Even if the salesperson is beautiful, but the skill lies still less than the salesperson clothes that are easier to convince customers with tricks. Even so, you know not a few customers who successfully wooed a bit fooled by his talents and matching mixing colors. Moreover, women always want to look beautiful and eliminate their chubby cheeks.
3. DoctorStill do not remember when you were kids. When the smallpox vaccine should be injected, the doctor will say, "No pain really, dik, it feels like being bitten by ants." Is that right? Of course not, injected with ant bites are two very different things. When injected, then there is a chemical / drug is injected into the body. While the ants, biting as their resistance.
It is a lie made by doctors for the good. But when you've grown resentful of course you do, why must say it feels like being bitten by ants? Is not there any other creative story?
Skill lies: 5Doctors in the end we can always persuade. Saying injected like an ant bite? Hmm ... very silly indeed. But while we weep, yet we also want to finally injected by it right?
4. TeacherA teacher's duty to give a lesson to us. But teachers also became a figure who often deceive us know. "This incident actually happened when I was in kindergarten, but I still remember though only a few pieces.
I was never far from the mother, and wished she could accompany me everywhere, including when I have to start school. At that time I was crying when the mother was allowed to enter, I was breaking down for several days. Having successfully persuaded a mother, I want to go back to school. And that day my mother was also not allowed to enter. But this time the teacher did not say that the mother had gone home, but is being studied in the next room. If I'm smart, I would immediately go up to the next grade with his mother. And it works! I no longer cry "Aurora - 27 years.
Skill lies: 5The teacher does know best how to handle children who are crying because did not want much from her mother. And in many ways trying to distract us and make us forget that the earlier we're looking for the mother. However, this lie was good for us. At least train our independence and courage when starting school age.
5. PhotographersWoman calls the lies made by the photographer as a manipulation. Yes, they are very good at deceiving the eye with their skill playing his camera. Make you look slimmer or more white in an instant. Although the results are printed only on shots, but many who submit photos of their pre-wedding to the hands of the maestro in the field of wedding photographers. His name was married, of course want it to look beautiful all the time?
Skill lies: 5Manipulation of the photographer almost always succeed perfectly. Moreover, supported by a customer who want to intentionally lied to the image capture technique and a little editing.
6. Taxi driverWhen you're anxious to see that the meter jumps from second to second, it turns out you did not also reach the destination. Curious as well as anxious to ask the driver who brought you the time, whether the journey is still far away. And he replied, "is imminent anyway, bu. Soon we're here, "he said. The fact that happens, you do not go up, and be anxious enough money in your wallet to pay for a taxi that was big enough.
Well, this one lie can sometimes fall into the category of crimes, especially if they are deliberately spinning and look for the path further, in order to reap more benefits from their meter. And if things happen like this, report it immediately to the customer service taxi company.
Skill lies: 4They usually just say, 'is near', 'not far away', 'soon to really', but 15 minutes walk, you have not reached the destination. Immediately contact your colleagues or your family and ask the location you want to go actually.
7. Hotel ReceptionistYou might not think that in the off season there are only two rooms are empty, and you are very lucky to get one of them. You'd think, ah really glad and lucky I am. But do not be trigger-happy, it is occasionally done by the hotel so that guests feel that they visit a decent hotel and had a name. Though perhaps not all the rooms filled, but they will give the impression that the guest is a person who was lucky to stay and get a special room. Here's how I used to be a guest feel at home and become regular customers.
Skill lies: 3Skill lies the hotel receptionist was admirable. But sometimes a person chose the hotel area not only because of his ministry alone, but also because it is close to the field. Not more than 40% of people loyal to his favorite hotel, although far from where he will visit.
8. Actor / ActressYes, the skill lies they can say the most perfect, because they are required to be able to play various kinds of human characteristics. Sometimes it plays the protagonist or antagonist. And it can be said as a lie to the audience, which also awaited, entertaining and even awards. The greater the lie that is done, the more convincing acting an artist, and the behavior of all films diperaninya.
Skill lies: 5Well, no doubt their skill in deceiving others (acting). And lie is worth a thumbs up (in a positive sense), especially if one could portray the character of a very difficult and complicated.
9. Secretary"Good afternoon. Sorry, sir, this time we're meeting your boss. Are you going to leave a message? "Said a secretary when receiving a call from a client. And if the boss is always busy meeting? No! Sometimes the boss is intentionally giving black list on a few clients that they consider intrusive and did not make the list of co-operation. In contrast, if the client is calling is very important. How busy your boss, it will prompt you to bother him.
Skill lies: 3Their answer is always convincing, but not entirely trust the client directly, because most people already know when a boss said he was busy, so he did not want to take a call.
10. Home Sales"Oh, this house has a good history, sir. Very comfortable and abandoned by the owner of the house because they have moved offices in other areas, "he said as he showed some dark spots and you feel less comfortable. Sure enough, some time later you try to find out the identity and history of the house, turned out to investigate have calibaration, a few months ago the house was disatroni by robbers. And not just this once. Had changed owners a few people, all disatroni robbers.
Skill lies: 4Yes, they could have put together a story of horror, romance, or comedy about a house that they offer. But history never lies, if indeed the house keeps a history of bad, sooner or underlayer you will know it. To that end, always be careful in deciding to buy a house.

How to Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Power

Do you often forget when looking for an object? For example you often forget to put where your keys? Or forget important things to be done? Forgot your password? Your child's test scores poorly because of difficulty memorizing? It is widely experienced by us. Consequently, the more time and energy it takes to find stuff, get a scolding from someone else, or get poor results are due to forgetfulness.
The brain's memory will decrease with age. The older age of someone they usually will be more forgetful. However, this can also happen at a young age. This problem can be reduced by training the brain.
Overview of Brain FunctionIn the process of remembering, the brain plays a major role. The brain can be divided into left brain and right brain. Left brain functions associated with logic, numbers, writing, intelligence, calculation, analysis, and for short-term memory (short term memory). While the right brain we use for creativity, imagination, music, colors, shapes, emotions, and for long-term memory (long term memory).
More memory will last a long time if the recall using the right brain. To be able to remember well, need to train the brain to function optimally. Unfortunately, more and more people are using left brain in the process of remembering. Most people the left brain is more developed without balanced development of the right brain. Because the left brain is short-term memory, then the information stored in the left hemisphere would be more easily forgotten.
Therefore, if you want to keep in the right brain, the information must be transformed into a story or picture. Because the right brain does not recognize text or numbers. Exercise is necessary in order to develop the right brain. There are several techniques that can be done.
Total Story Technique (TST)This technique is done by making a short story of the things we are going to memorize. For example we are going shopping at the supermarket to buy rice, shampoo, milk, chewing gum, floor cleaners, egg, soy sauce, cheese, tomato sauce, paper towels. Rather than trying to memorize it, you better make a story for these things to Dewi Sri (the goddess of legend that describes the rice paddy) was shampooing (shampoo) with a milk bath. While outside, the Mbok who was chewing gum while mopping (permbersih floor) has prepared an egg flavor soy sauce sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce soft as tissue.
The story is completely visualized and imagined. Develop your imagination by adding color, sound, objects and motion supporting the story. For example, imagine a pink bathing place Dewi Sri milk bath, imagine the Mbok old and wearing a gray kebaya mopping page, listen to the voice chew gum in his mouth, and imagine that you taste the eggs that tasted like soy sauce, imagine the egg shape sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce, and imagine that you can hold the egg and feel the softness of such tissue.
Make a real shadow in front of you. With the example of this story, we have trained the right brain that functions in creativity and imagination. Creativity is created when we make a short story and imagination played a role when we visualize the story.
Total Word Technique (TWT)In this technique you want to remember information is converted into acronyms, or if the information that will be remembered is the foreign words, can be converted into words that sound almost the same. This technique is often also called mnemonics. After that, the newly created stories to be accepted by the right brain.
For example, when I have to memorize the eight planets from the nearest sun. The sequence is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. If it feels hard to memorize, can be converted into a sentence "Driving a Vespa Not Toys, Judi Urip Friends Risked".
Sentence using some of the letters before or the first syllable of the order of the planet who wants to be remembered. Riding to remember Mercury, Venus Vespa for, not for Earth's, Toys for Mars, Judi to Jupiter, to Saturn's Companions, Urip for Uranus, Neptune Risked for. By imagining the characters and that is being done, you can better remember it.
Total Number Technique (TNT)This technique is used to remember numbers. Because the right brain does not know the figures or writing, it needs to be made a story in order to recognize the right brain. For example, you have to remember the number 212,007,217,080,205. You can turn it into a story like Wiro Sableng (212) and James Bond (007), two (2) are following the ceremonies of independence (1708) on the day of national education (0205).
However, not all combinations of numbers are numbers that have been recognized as above. For that, you can create your own story by turning it into code that can be accepted by the right brain that is in code form or sound. You can change the numbers into code form or sound like the following:Beep Code Form Code Numbers0 Ball Gosong

1 Pole Shoes

2 Old Duck

3 Ear Butter

4 Boat Screen Ketupat

5 Stomach Fat


6 Cigar Plant

7 Hoe Shirt

8 Glasses Board

9 Racquet Road

Code and code of self-created sounds can also fit your creativity. Now you have to remember passwords such as 284 670, can be converted into a sentence:
Given the Form CodeDuck (2) glasses (8) ride a sailboat (4) with right hand holding a cigar (6) and left hand holding a hoe (7) playing ball (0).Given the Beep CodeOld man (2) buying a board (8) and diamond (4) of the person who was planting (6) clothes (7) Hirst (0).
Considering methods described above are just some examples of techniques that can be used to remember, because there are still other methods. The method given will be encouraged to continue to make you creative in creating a short story, imagining and mengimajinasikannya.
Your imagination will be more refined as you add colors in the shadow of your story, adding motion, smell, or anything else that your imagination more exciting. If you can, make a funny story or a story that does not make sense. This will help more remembered.
You can also try to teach it to children. Thus, memorization can be fun for them. It will also be a good exercise for the right brain that can spur creativity and optimize your child's brain.
If you've tried to remember with these methods, store the information in your right brain, the information will not be quickly forgotten and helps optimize brain and helps your memory. Good luck!

5 Hidden Facts On Breast Implant Surgery women justifies a variety of ways to get their sexy breast shape. Starting from silicone injections or implants to plastic surgery.
And do breast augmentation through the implant technique has a negative effect harmful. However, despite the procedures and processes that require long and has the effect of complications is still a lot of women do breast implants.
Before deciding to implant, you should first know the facts about breast implants, as quoted from pages Shine:

1. Do not last forever According to the FDA, if the technique had breast implants (silicone or surgery), you will probably need additional surgery within 10 - 15 years later. This could arise due to possible complications, such as the problem of asymmetry of breast size, arising out wrinkles, and others.

2. Effect on psychological A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that compared with the general population, women with breast implants, 73 percent more likely to commit suicide.
However, it is not the result of the implant completely. This happens due to a desire to do the implants do not solve the psychological problem that already exists. Such as, low self-esteem or depression. Should consult with a psychologist before undergoing any plastic surgery.

3. It is difficult to detect any symptoms of breast cancer Some types of silicone implants can cause difficult to detect cancer when a mammogram regularly. Some studies estimate, 30 percent of the tumor would be hard to find in women who do the surgery.
Of course, if you have implants, this is no reason to spend a mammogram at all. If forced to perform implants, find a doctor who can help you detect cancer effectively despite having performed the implant.

4. Most men prefer a natural breast shape There are no scientific studies that confirm this opinion. However, in each of the online and magazine-sponsored survey found that more than 80 percent of men say they prefer women with natural breasts. According to the respondents were male, natural breasts look even more symmetry, soft and has a perfect shape.

5. There are natural ways to raise breast Perform breast surgery have a negative effect might receive 10 or 15 years later. Therefore, it is better to raise breast in a natural way, namely with the sport.
"Do the movements that strengthen your upper back can help to raise and tighten the breast naturally," says physiologist Tom Holland, owner of Tom Holland's Athletic Club in New Canaan, USA.
He suggested doing the push ups, which will train your muscles to pull the shoulders down and back, and automatically tighten the breast muscle.

9 Tips to Overcome Shyness

9 Tips to Overcome Shyness

You are afraid to speak, self-conscious when dealing with others and easily lose your way to communicate something to others?Is your shyness is a real drawback in your daily life? Try to follow some simple tips to help you cope.
When you speak, start a conversation, pass the oral exam, you tend to be insecure, your heart beat faster, feeling hoarse in the throat will prevent you speak, your legs tremble ... You can fix this situation.
Being shy is already human nature and this can not be avoided! The shame is usually rooted in childhood, after a fragile emotional events.
Fear of failure, fear of misjudging, fear of disappointing ... A shy, often brings a negative light that doubted their ability to succeed and often feel that others are better than their own.
9 tips to learn to overcome shyness:1. Do not be ashamed of your shame. Accept yourself as you are and think it's fair! Less than you think, the more chances to clean, more wide open to success.
2. Do not fear the opinions of others.Learning to accept criticism when someone responds to yourself and let the comments who may be less fun for you. But that's the challenge, you so know your weaknesses so apa2 who now ..
3. Talk about shame to your family.Explain to others what you feel, you can identify hal2 anything that makes you depressed, what situation you face, what people respond to yourself ...
4. Practicing sports can help you minimize your shame thanks to the social relations arising who often gathered kawan2 dg.
5. Act like a theater / performing to learn how to talk to others without shame.
6. Learn to say. Dare to say no.Often we take for granted something ridak actually comfortable with the choice of our own hearts dikarnakan afraid / ashamed to reject it ... So, start from now ... !
7. Learning to breathe calmly.Before an exam or job interview for example, breathe in deeply through your nose and then remove slowly to evacuate the stress and fear of loss of opportunity.
8. Think positively.
Do not think too narrow,''wow, my brain is not very encer2 .. Where can succeed.'' Such thought is one of the picture. Essentially, you forget that success is determined by a handful of intelligence, but also a multitude of opportunities. Rest assured, that you are not worth less than others, you are quite capable of reaching the target you want.
9. Mingling with people who are competent in their field.If your shyness ruin your life, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist. He will find the best path for you, find words and ways to help you drive your shyness

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

5 Diseases That Can Make a person going crazy

This is not about the actual disease lunatic because of nerve and brain disorders like schizophrenia. But the madness of this disease is a very strange and incurable to make the sufferer very tortured.
As quoted dariFoxNews, people who suffer from this disease seem quaint by the surrounding environment:
1. Addison's Disease Addison's disease, including the disruption of hormones. The disease is somewhat 'mad' because it can cause death from emotional stress that comes suddenly. This disease can not be cured but can dikendaikan with drugs.
Addison's disease is also called Addison's Polyglandular. This disease occurs because the body is unable to produce adrenaline, a hormone responsible for stress. Without adrenaline, the body organs can not respond to stress make sufferers become emotionally unstable and depressed.
Addison's disease can cause irritability, emotional outbursts and depression because the patient suffered from lack of salt and low sugar levels.
Symptoms appear as chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, drastic weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure causing fainting spells and some areas of the skin changed color to dark.
If it occurs in children the effect would be more severe than in adults. Treatment given is usually in the form of steroids to control the disease.
2. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) The disease is included in a nervous breakdown. People suffering from this disease to be like crazy because of the pain that burns your body like fire. Healing disease is very complex due to appear spontaneously, drugs that are given only reduce the symptoms alone.
RSD sufferers like being tortured every morning wake up because the pain that burns the legs, arms and people feel like being in hell fire. Each would touch something hot and swollen and appear excessive sweating.
The disease is believed to be a chain reaction of abnormal sympathetic nervous system, the body system that regulates blood flow in the skin. This disease can spontaneously disappear by itself but when it arises incredible pain. Many patients undergo intensive treatment over the years only to reduce pain.
3. Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or Fish Odour Syndrome The disease is due to a rare metabolic disorder. This disease makes people mad because it causes the sufferer smelling like fish. Although difficult to cure, there are several ways to reduce the symptoms.
Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or also known as fish odor syndrome, is a very rare metabolic disorder, which causes a defect in the normal production of the enzyme Flavin mengandungmonooxygenase 3 (FMO3).
When FMO3 is not working properly or the amount generated is not enough, then the body loses the ability to destroy the trimethylamine (TMA) of the precursor compound in the digestion of food into trimethylamine oxide (TMAO).
The result is TMAU, trimethylamine which eventually accumulate to produce the smell of urine, sweat and breath odor is very strong and fishy.
Although frequent bathing, using deodorant, perfume and cologne are not sufficiently eliminate the smell stuck to the body. As a result, the patient could be sunk psychologically and social life.
There is no medicine to cure TMAU. Patients affected by this disease can only reduce the odor by limiting foods that do not trigger the onset of TMA. But this is quite inconvenient because almost all everyday foods such as eggs, beans, meat and fish contain choline which is an amino acid molecules forming the TMA.
4. Morgellons Disease Type of this disease is a disorder of the skin. Morgellons disease makes these patients may be mad because it always feels itchy with no known cause. The disease is even debatable whether real or just imagination of the sufferer.
The cause of this disease is unknown because the complained of itching elusive. Patients will usually complain of itching and want to constantly scratching. Patients sure there is something under the skin which can infect such as parasitic worms.
This is what makes someone scratching continues as it seeks to remove the cause of the itch. Patients will be told that he must be scratching continuously to remove these parasites from the skin.
Patients often describe something that is living under his skin as a small fiber. When viewed with a microscope is believed to be white, blue, red or black. In addition, there is also believed in him as grains such as sand, black or white in the skin.
5. Harlequin ichthyosis It is a genetic skin disease. Usually appears in a newborn whose skin is scaly, hardened and shaped like a diamond. There is no medicine that can cure this disease.
Babies with this condition are born with a hard skin, thick and exceptional drought in nearly all the flesh.
These conditions make it difficult to control fluid loss infants, difficult to regulate body temperature and difficult to fight infection. As a result, many babies like this who are dehydrated or dehydrated and exposed to infection at birth.
Such patients usually die as infants. Only a few patients who survive to adulthood and even then the struggle is very difficult because every time have to apply moisturizer (lotion) into the body

8 Signs of Playboy
No woman wants a lover playboy. But still many do not realize that she was dating a man a playboy.
Before you already love, first identify the character. Could be, a man close to you now also include the type of player. Reporting from the Girl Ask Guy, the following eight signs.

1. Contacting After 11 o'clock and 12 NightsThere are 24 hours per day, if he likes you, he will choose the right time to ask about you. After 11 o'clock and 12-hour night is a 'fun' guy. If he called on those hours that he does not want to get serious with you, he's just trying to seduce you in her spare time.
2. Have Many Female FriendsBeware when a man has many women friends than men. A typical man can close playboy with several women at one time. So if the he often receives phone call from a woman, you should be more alert to it.
3. Smart Stringing WordsWhy are women difficult to reject the playboy bondage? Because he's good at talking and flirting. He knows what to talk about when you're angry, upset or sad. He also will make you feel special and every word reflects he a good man. At this time, in fact he is deceiving you and control your emotions.
4. Talking a Lot About Your PhysicalWhat woman would not love a compliment. But when he was more praised parts of your body, so be careful. She wants a better relationship and are trying to play you.
5. Being Different in Front of Friends of sixteen menWhen I was in front of his friends, the type of player he will give more hugs and physical touch to the female. Do not be proud of yet, this is not the phrase is unfortunately, but just wanted to show his male friends 'is my new prey'.
6. Very ConfidentThe player has a high level of confidence. How not, he felt able to conquer the girls diinginkan.Lebih than that, they can trap two to three girls at once in one time. That's what makes playboy increasingly confident.
7. Not Interested in Your LifeWhen he asks about your day, not necessarily he really cares. They make it appear as concerned, in fact not. They do this all to get something. When a woman has to believe, so easily he will get his wish.
8. Avoiding Go With YouOf course the player wants to play seamlessly with their women. So he chose to avoid going out with you. But there is also the type of player who is very shrewd. Could be, before going on with you, he will ask permission to another woman if she would go with a cousin or sister. This tactic is done to make it safer to meet someone.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

20 crazy Case From Different Hemisphere

1. Burned house BurnedA woman from Tenesse are upset after catching her husband fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand still on his mattress so the hole, leaving a cigarette is still burning in the same place just to "Notify on what will happen when her husband fell asleep on a mattress with a cigarette still burning!" As a result, his house was burned, too... (Ridiculous)
2. Si Jago NgelesRemo Jalosjos, a congressman in the Philippines was sentenced to 173 years in prison on charges of repeatedly raping a child 11 years old. What kind of life in prison?
He had several own room, complete with tv, kitchen, private bathroom complete with water heater, etc.. He not only sell food to fellow fellow prisoner, his stall is also renting out a new tennis court was built.
When criticized about how he was getting preferential treatment, he insisted that it was wrong that the government could not give equal treatment to other inmates. (Jago nih ngelesnya)
3. Airport that have never visited None AirlinesSt. Clair County, Illinois, has spent $ 330 million dollars to build an airport that turned out for a year did not stop off at one plane, either airlines or private, operates 12 hours per day with 27 workers, plus a full team of firefighters and maintenances, funny renovation costs $ 2.5 million still approve even though until now there has been no single airline is willing to use the airport.
4. Dynamite that exploded in the car for funPaul Stiller, 47, and his wife were both treated in Andover Township, New Jersey, last September, both suffered severe injuries as a result yng enough dynamite for quarter stick exploded in his car.
The incident began when on the road, a couple who suffered boredom idly burning dynamite and threw out the window of his car to remove saturated. Unfortunately they forgot to open the window.
5. Heats the frozen gas tank with a matchA Turkish truck driver, Nazim Canturkas, lit a match to heat the gas tank is frozen. And finally 'boom' gas tank explodes.
6. The suspect is a mistake, until finally jailedOklahoma City, Dennis Newton (47), currently undergoing trial on charges of armed robbery at a convenience store, the actual time he was on the wind, till when the store manager testified that Newton was indeed the perpetrator of the robbery.
Newton was furious and immediately went to the manager and shouted "I should just shoot your head !!!", then immediately all those present fell silent.
"Ee ... meaning if it's time to rob me ...", Newton corrected his words ... but because of the jury and the judge became convinced that he was guilty. The result of 30 years in prison for Newton.
7. Malu claimed to have been lost, ended up in prisonIn Baltimore, Maryland, a woman lost to Syracuse, New York after a long driving. Ashamed to confess lost and not know the way home, when he saw a policeman, he confessed that he had been abducted by an armed man a fire in Baltimore.
Because of this recognition, there was a pursuit operation involving five units from several states. Until finally know the real cause, the woman was detained and only allowed to go home when her husband is pick up and only allowed her husband was also a driving car.
8. Fugitive who eventually caught because of his curiosityDetroit: R.C. Gaitlan, 21, approached two officers who were demonstrating 'squad car computer felon-location equipment' to kids in the neighborhood of Detroit.
When he asked how to work the machine, the officer asked for his ID, Gaitlan then gives her license, the officer then enter the ID number Gaitlan who then immediately arrested and the paralyzing moment, why?
Because the officer turns on the computer it appears the name Gaitlan as DPO (wanted) an armed robbery suspect two years ago.
9. Feeling his brain was stolen, a man drilled his brainIn Ohio, a not clearly identified before the age of 30 went to the police station with a wire along the 9-inch out of his forehead.
Quietly, the man asked the officer to try to rontgent her to find his brain which he said had been stolen.
Tterkaget-shocked officer, especially when he learned that the man had been drilled as deep as 6 inches of his head through his skull with a power drill and insert the wire in his forehead only to find that he lost his brain.
10. Anti-tank mines exploded due to foot clothespin play-flopsIn Phnom Penh restaurant, three Cambodians died after playing "footsies" (pin-pin feet) under the dining table with an anti-tank mines that fail to explode they find. All visitors ran out when the restaurant knows what they are doing.
11. War in the middle of the cityIn 1999, a small town in Kingsville, Texas, commotion in the middle of the night when all of a sudden assault on the city's 800-soldier with camouflage uniforms and 8 helicopters.
Shooting occurred, a bomb was detonated, a factory and the former police station falling apart, none of the 911 officers who can explain the incidence of proficiency level.
Until the end of a military officer apologized for forgetting to tell you about the plan war games 'urban gorillas' and apologized for the destruction of two buildings as a result of mistaken identity.
12. Bank robbery which failed miserablyModesto, CA, Steven Richard King was arrested for his efforts to rob a Bank of America branch without a weapon, he uses his fingers to hide behind her clothes to outwit a bank clerk, until finally the plan failed after he accidentally took his hands from his jacket.
13. Bets are deadlySylvester Briddell, Jr.., 26, was killed last February in Selbyville, Delaware, after winning a bet with his friends. Materials stakes, "Briddell Dare pull the trigger revolver containing four bullets into his mouth stretched out?"
14. The greedy robberA robber in Topeka, Kansas Kwik Shop came, and demanded all the money in the cash register, which it turns out it was too little for him, feeling less, he tied the shopkeeper and disguised as a cashier for about 3 hours with the intent who knows the number of rampokannya could increase
Instead of increasing, actually even the police who happened to drop in and then find out his disguise immediately arrested on the spot.
15. Dismissal is a blessingAT & T fired President John Walter after nine months in office by reason of lack of "intellectual leadership". John Walter receives severance pay of $ 26 million over the dismissal. (Actually that was about tuh Intellegence who's here?)
16. Detective luckyLos Angeles police are very lucky then. When the robbery suspects lined up to face identification, one of the suspects can not control his mouth.
Detective questioned one by one suspect, and then mimicking the words of a robber who is being sought by it.
"Give me all your money, or I'll shoot!"
Suddenly one of these suspects ngototnya shouted, "Hey, I'm not berakata like that!" Detective work was finished.
17. Strange robberA man from Illinois, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to go to two different ATM machines to withdraw money from their own account!(This does not rob or embarrassed because they can not use an ATM ya?)
18. Mean heart willing to 'sacrifice' for a boyfriend, ended up being victimized realA boy aged 19 from Sheffield Lake, Ohio, stealing her credit card to pay his girlfriend a boob job. Unfortunately, her boyfriend decided directly after the operation and the boy was now undergo 18 months of incarceration.
19. Mean heart demanding, even ends with the demandsChristopher Jansen, a defendant's possession of a weapon that requires police who frisked him back because there was no evidence, going through the trial in March in Pontiac, Michigan.
He insisted that officers had frisked without a warrant. The prosecutor also insisted, officers do not need a letter to search, because Jansen seen carrying a suspicious object inside his jacket, "it could be a gun or anything" he said.
"Nonsense" said Jansen, who happened to be wearing the same jacket, and then he showed it to the judge, fool, when he gave his jacket to the judge, he did not check in advance the contents of the bag.
When the judge examined his jacket, he was laughing so hard, know why? As it turns out at the Jansen's jacket pocket he found a package of cocaine, so again with a heavier sentence.
20. Millipedes really want to kill with weapons caliber-22Guthrie, Oklahoma, last October, Jason Heck intends to kill a millipede with his .22-caliber rifle, missed, the bullet on the rocks and mentally so that the head of his friend, Antonio Martinez, who then suffered a cracked skull.

Trunk Size of Miniature Firearms Matches

gun miniature artist of Russia Alexander Perfiliev has made a model of a firearm during the last forty years. But the miniatures are not only identical to the original, but also beautiful, and the more astonishing mini weapons are very capable of firing bullets, if you have a small bullet.
Alexander Perfiliev drill the first hole using only hand drill, a brace is often used in 1970 when he built a replica Mauser. At that time he did not have access to fancy equipment or even an electric drill, but he managed to drill a hole about the size of 2 mm in 3 mm diameter steel rod. Perfiliev spend much time perfecting every detail of the gun. There is a Mauser, AK, Smith & Wessons, pistols, revolvers and everything. He made more than 50 different models all with steel, with each model spend between half to one year

Most of Alexander's model can be seen directly in the hall arts center in Zabaikalye.

unique Nickname a world soccer player

1) Adriano Galliani – Uncle Fester

2) Tony Adams – The Donkey

3) Yasar Duran – The Bucket

4) Antonio Cassano – Peter Pan

5) Naohiro Takahara – The Sushi Bomber

6) Arjen Robben – The Man Of Glass

7) Nicolas Anelka – The Incredible Sulk

8) Davie Dodds – The Elephant Man

9) Peter Beardsley – Quasimodo

10) Pele – The Jinx

Monday, June 27, 2011

The discovery of Top 10 Women's World By
1. Marie Curie - Marie Curie - famous female scientist, specializing in fields such as chemistry and physics. Ilmuwati is known as the inventor of radioactive polonium and radium elements and as the first person to win two Nobel prizes.
2. Nesmith Bette Graham -Bette Nesmith Graham - he found liquid paper, originally called the "Mistake out", a substance used to cover up mistakes made on paper.
3. Mary Anderson -Mary Anderson - he found the device to clean car windows, now known as the windscreen wipers.
4. Stephanie Kwolek- Stephanie Kwolek, inventor and scientist, mother of Kevlar - a synthetic fiber such as steel used in radial tires, crash helmets, and bulletproof vests.
5. Grace Murray Hopper-He broke through the majority of fields in the master men p. daam Programming. He is the inventor of the COBOL programming language.
6. Ruth Wakefield - he was responsible for the birth of chocolate chip cookies.
7. Lillian Moller Gilbreth-We can be grateful for the trash can with foot pedal, electric food mixer, shelves in refrigerator and other kitchen improvements.

8. Martha Coston-ia menciptakan sebuah sistem sinyal piroteknik, kini dikenal sebagai maritim sinyal suar.

9. Ruth Handler – penemu boneka Barbie. boneka ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi boneka fashion remaja.
10. Josephine Cochran - Penemu Dishwasher itu. Setelah dia berkata: “Jika ada orang lain yang akan menciptakan mesin pencuci piring, aku akan melakukannya sendiri”. Dan … hebatnya! Dia menciptakannya!

9 Biggest Vehicle You See May Be Rare

Fabulous, large vehicles that you can not see in everyday life or in other words, special purpose vehichle (vehicle created for the specific job). because the creation of huge machines that many mega projects easily and efficiently realized.
Let's look at some of the world's largest vehicle / engine ever made. Most large vehicles are displayed for digging and for mining purposes

1. Liebherr hydraulic shovel (one of the world's largest excavator hidraulic)
LIEBHERR hydarulic giant shovel is in production by libher group, the complex German manufacturing company, and one of the largest in the world for similar type. This tool is used for heavy work in open pit mining. This vehicle weighs 656 tons. With a Cummins diesel engine C 180 E, 16 cylinder capacity of 50.3 liters and is capable of producing power for 3000hp at 1800rpm engine speed, whereas the strength to dig the soil is 1,500 kN. Fuel tank capacity is 13,000 liters while the hydraulic tank capacity is 4600 liters, and the maximum hydraulic pressure is 350bar. volume up to 36 m3 bucket, or the equivalent of one load 60ton.

2. Caterpillar 797f
This big truck look like a house, made by Caterpillar factory of origin United States. This truck
made for the purposes of mining with a very high production and for heavy construction. load capacity of trucks is one of the highest and largest in the world. This model was introduced in 2008 and entered full production in 2009. This latest model is much larger and stronger than the previous model 797B series and has a capacity of 400 tons carrying capacity, while a series of 380ton cuman 797B.

3. Komatsu D575A Superdozer
Komatsu D575A Superbuldozer made by Japanese komatsu bulldozer Ltd. is currently the largest ever made. bulldozers are used in mining coal strip mining in North America band, this is more efficient than using a drag line on mining. bulldozer is 4.88 meters high and has a length of 11.72m and making it the largest and most powerful bulldozers in the world ..
4. Mobile Launcher Platform
The mobile launcher platform atau MLP merupakan kendaraan angkut satelit raksasa yang mempunyai berat 8,23 juta pond apabila dibongkar, mempunyai berat sekitar 11 juta pound lengkap dengan satelit diatasnya.kendaraan ini mempunyai dimensi panjang 160 kaki (49m) lebar 135 kaki(41m) dan tinggi sekitar 25 kaki(7,6m), adalah salah satu dari tiga struktur dua lantai yang digunakan oleh NASA untuk mendukung stack shutlle selama transportasi dari pabrik untuk diluncurkan di Pad 39-A kennedy space center, dan juga bisa sebagai kendaraan peluncur roket.

5. Volvo NH15 Tanker BP
The mobile launcher platform or MLP is a giant satellite transport vehicles that weigh 8.23 ​​million pounds when unloaded, weighed about 11 million pounds complete with satellite diatasnya.kendaraan has a long dimension of 160 feet (49m) wide by 135 feet (41m) and High around 25 feet (7.6 m), is one of three two-story structure that is used by NASA to support the stack shutlle during transport from the factory to be launched at Pad 39-A Kennedy Space Center, and also as a vehicle rocket launcher.

6. TEREX 33-19 Titan
Volvo NH15 BP Tanker Road Train is a trucking concept used in remote areas in Argentina, Australia, Mexico, the United States and Canada to move large loads efficiently. Diaustralia vehicle is often called road trains, while in the U.S. and Canada is often called "triples", "Turnpike Double" or "rocky mountain doubles". In production by the company Volvo in 1998.

7. Big Bud 747
With a length of 27 feet width of 20 feet and 14 feet high and weighed 100,000 pounds, big bud 16-V 747 or 747, is the world's largest tractor, built in 1977 in Montana United States. The main usefulness of this tractor is plowing the land for agriculture. This tractor can cultivate the agricultural land area of ​​60 acres per hour with a speed of 8 mph. 8. "Captain" Marion 6360 (the largest land vehicles ever built)
8."kapten" Marion 6360
R UMAX Vista-S6E V2.0
UMAX Vista-S6E R V2.0 With a total weight of 28 million pounds, the captain is the excavator with the greatest power in the world. This giant machine built by the Marion shovel electric company in 1965. capacity of the bucket (bucket) can mengakat or transport material weighing 300 tons. "Captain" is one of the two largest land vehicles ever built, and after a long operated in akhirny retire in 1992.

9. 1850B Bucyrus-Erie "Big Brutus"
Bucyrus-Erie 1805B, dubbed the "big brutus" has a 49m height and weight 11juta pounds is the world's second largest electric shovel, used from the years 1960-1970. Currently on display in a museum of mining and mineral west, kansas United States. Bucket capacity (bucket) of about 150 tons and reach a maximum speed of 0.22 mph, and in 1962 cost about 6.5 million dollars.