Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Train the Brain to Sharpen Memory Power

Do you often forget when looking for an object? For example you often forget to put where your keys? Or forget important things to be done? Forgot your password? Your child's test scores poorly because of difficulty memorizing? It is widely experienced by us. Consequently, the more time and energy it takes to find stuff, get a scolding from someone else, or get poor results are due to forgetfulness.
The brain's memory will decrease with age. The older age of someone they usually will be more forgetful. However, this can also happen at a young age. This problem can be reduced by training the brain.
Overview of Brain FunctionIn the process of remembering, the brain plays a major role. The brain can be divided into left brain and right brain. Left brain functions associated with logic, numbers, writing, intelligence, calculation, analysis, and for short-term memory (short term memory). While the right brain we use for creativity, imagination, music, colors, shapes, emotions, and for long-term memory (long term memory).
More memory will last a long time if the recall using the right brain. To be able to remember well, need to train the brain to function optimally. Unfortunately, more and more people are using left brain in the process of remembering. Most people the left brain is more developed without balanced development of the right brain. Because the left brain is short-term memory, then the information stored in the left hemisphere would be more easily forgotten.
Therefore, if you want to keep in the right brain, the information must be transformed into a story or picture. Because the right brain does not recognize text or numbers. Exercise is necessary in order to develop the right brain. There are several techniques that can be done.
Total Story Technique (TST)This technique is done by making a short story of the things we are going to memorize. For example we are going shopping at the supermarket to buy rice, shampoo, milk, chewing gum, floor cleaners, egg, soy sauce, cheese, tomato sauce, paper towels. Rather than trying to memorize it, you better make a story for these things to Dewi Sri (the goddess of legend that describes the rice paddy) was shampooing (shampoo) with a milk bath. While outside, the Mbok who was chewing gum while mopping (permbersih floor) has prepared an egg flavor soy sauce sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce soft as tissue.
The story is completely visualized and imagined. Develop your imagination by adding color, sound, objects and motion supporting the story. For example, imagine a pink bathing place Dewi Sri milk bath, imagine the Mbok old and wearing a gray kebaya mopping page, listen to the voice chew gum in his mouth, and imagine that you taste the eggs that tasted like soy sauce, imagine the egg shape sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce, and imagine that you can hold the egg and feel the softness of such tissue.
Make a real shadow in front of you. With the example of this story, we have trained the right brain that functions in creativity and imagination. Creativity is created when we make a short story and imagination played a role when we visualize the story.
Total Word Technique (TWT)In this technique you want to remember information is converted into acronyms, or if the information that will be remembered is the foreign words, can be converted into words that sound almost the same. This technique is often also called mnemonics. After that, the newly created stories to be accepted by the right brain.
For example, when I have to memorize the eight planets from the nearest sun. The sequence is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. If it feels hard to memorize, can be converted into a sentence "Driving a Vespa Not Toys, Judi Urip Friends Risked".
Sentence using some of the letters before or the first syllable of the order of the planet who wants to be remembered. Riding to remember Mercury, Venus Vespa for, not for Earth's, Toys for Mars, Judi to Jupiter, to Saturn's Companions, Urip for Uranus, Neptune Risked for. By imagining the characters and that is being done, you can better remember it.
Total Number Technique (TNT)This technique is used to remember numbers. Because the right brain does not know the figures or writing, it needs to be made a story in order to recognize the right brain. For example, you have to remember the number 212,007,217,080,205. You can turn it into a story like Wiro Sableng (212) and James Bond (007), two (2) are following the ceremonies of independence (1708) on the day of national education (0205).
However, not all combinations of numbers are numbers that have been recognized as above. For that, you can create your own story by turning it into code that can be accepted by the right brain that is in code form or sound. You can change the numbers into code form or sound like the following:Beep Code Form Code Numbers0 Ball Gosong

1 Pole Shoes

2 Old Duck

3 Ear Butter

4 Boat Screen Ketupat

5 Stomach Fat


6 Cigar Plant

7 Hoe Shirt

8 Glasses Board

9 Racquet Road

Code and code of self-created sounds can also fit your creativity. Now you have to remember passwords such as 284 670, can be converted into a sentence:
Given the Form CodeDuck (2) glasses (8) ride a sailboat (4) with right hand holding a cigar (6) and left hand holding a hoe (7) playing ball (0).Given the Beep CodeOld man (2) buying a board (8) and diamond (4) of the person who was planting (6) clothes (7) Hirst (0).
Considering methods described above are just some examples of techniques that can be used to remember, because there are still other methods. The method given will be encouraged to continue to make you creative in creating a short story, imagining and mengimajinasikannya.
Your imagination will be more refined as you add colors in the shadow of your story, adding motion, smell, or anything else that your imagination more exciting. If you can, make a funny story or a story that does not make sense. This will help more remembered.
You can also try to teach it to children. Thus, memorization can be fun for them. It will also be a good exercise for the right brain that can spur creativity and optimize your child's brain.
If you've tried to remember with these methods, store the information in your right brain, the information will not be quickly forgotten and helps optimize brain and helps your memory. Good luck!

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