Thursday, June 30, 2011

9 Tips to Overcome Shyness

9 Tips to Overcome Shyness

You are afraid to speak, self-conscious when dealing with others and easily lose your way to communicate something to others?Is your shyness is a real drawback in your daily life? Try to follow some simple tips to help you cope.
When you speak, start a conversation, pass the oral exam, you tend to be insecure, your heart beat faster, feeling hoarse in the throat will prevent you speak, your legs tremble ... You can fix this situation.
Being shy is already human nature and this can not be avoided! The shame is usually rooted in childhood, after a fragile emotional events.
Fear of failure, fear of misjudging, fear of disappointing ... A shy, often brings a negative light that doubted their ability to succeed and often feel that others are better than their own.
9 tips to learn to overcome shyness:1. Do not be ashamed of your shame. Accept yourself as you are and think it's fair! Less than you think, the more chances to clean, more wide open to success.
2. Do not fear the opinions of others.Learning to accept criticism when someone responds to yourself and let the comments who may be less fun for you. But that's the challenge, you so know your weaknesses so apa2 who now ..
3. Talk about shame to your family.Explain to others what you feel, you can identify hal2 anything that makes you depressed, what situation you face, what people respond to yourself ...
4. Practicing sports can help you minimize your shame thanks to the social relations arising who often gathered kawan2 dg.
5. Act like a theater / performing to learn how to talk to others without shame.
6. Learn to say. Dare to say no.Often we take for granted something ridak actually comfortable with the choice of our own hearts dikarnakan afraid / ashamed to reject it ... So, start from now ... !
7. Learning to breathe calmly.Before an exam or job interview for example, breathe in deeply through your nose and then remove slowly to evacuate the stress and fear of loss of opportunity.
8. Think positively.
Do not think too narrow,''wow, my brain is not very encer2 .. Where can succeed.'' Such thought is one of the picture. Essentially, you forget that success is determined by a handful of intelligence, but also a multitude of opportunities. Rest assured, that you are not worth less than others, you are quite capable of reaching the target you want.
9. Mingling with people who are competent in their field.If your shyness ruin your life, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist. He will find the best path for you, find words and ways to help you drive your shyness

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