Now we will review in greater detail style of sex is right for Mr. P Small. Any man in the world who wanted his penis looks tiny even tend to be short. Most certainly choosing to Mr. P that big and long. However, if you have a penis on average, do not be discouraged, do not grieve, let alone to use drugs that promise a "weapon" you added long and large, you might get into trouble because of your vital organs that are very sensitive to chemicals: D Well you can still enjoy the style of sex with different positions koq. And supposedly, this position can be sure you can be more "in" and satisfy your partner.

1. Snake Style Style of making love to let your partner take a position on your stomach with legs tightly closed. Enter the penis from the rear and open your legs straddling his body, let your knees planted on the mattress (keeping your back stays on top). Do not let your weight on him. If you prefer to put a pillow under his stomach, it can do. For the record, he probably will spontaneously open her legs if you start to enter Mr P.
2. Rabbit Ear Style Pasanagan style this time turn your lying supine on the bed, lift her legs as if to touch the ear, ask him to grasp it, and you can penetrate. In this position, you can see clearly Vagina him. You also can penetrate easily to increase the sensation as they move in and out.
It is recommended that you put your hands or a pillow under her ass and hug him while you see yourself "attacking" Miss V.
3. Formation V Style When the pair were lying on your back, you should be in between his body. Then lift her legs into the air, grab her thighs and let his legs stretched to form V.
After a while, rest your feet at the shoulder and the manipulation of her clitoris while you continue to penetrate. Or you can hold on to his waist while "pumping" the couple slowly.
4. Doggy Style You must be familiar with this style. With this position, you can perform full penetration at a time can also achieve a high level of enjoyment. For more distinct taste, open your legs and let your legs closed mate and arch his back, head and shoulders while relaxing on the pillow.
Yups, 5 lovemaking positions that fit to mr. Small P can you make reference when having sex with his wife. But if the sexual activity itself stymied because the body is very tired, you guys can still satisfy your wife with playing techniques woman's vagina using a finger, at least when the conditions are not memungkinkanpun, we can still provide satisfaction to our wives
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