Thursday, May 3, 2012

10 Animals that have a remarkable eye

According to scientists, the eye evolved about 540 million years ago as a simple organ that detects light. Sight is the most important for many animals, including humans. This is the 10 animals with strange eyes and the most remarkable in the animal kingdom.

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Tertiary is a small animal (a squirrel-sized) that includes a nocturnal primate, 
found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. This is the only primates that fully a predator in the world, the food of lizards and insects, and even been known to catch birds that flew around the tree. Outstanding features, the eyes are very large, the largest of all mammals. To compensate for the ebsar eyes, tertiary has a very flexible neck, and can rotate its head 180 degrees, like an owl, to scan for potential prey or predators.Each one eye is more severe than his brain, tertiary has a very sharp eyesight and night vision (night vision) is amazing, and some even say they can see ultraviolet light. On the other hand, they seem to have a lack of vision of colors, as well as other nocturnal animals (including domestic cats and owls).


Chameleon-known for their ability to change the color, the ability to help them communicate and express their intent, or mood to other chameleons (only a few species use as a color-changing camouflage). These lizards also have very unusual eyes; their eyelids together, and covered almost the entire eyeball, except for small holes to allow light to enter. Each eye can be moved independently of the others, so the chameleon can scan for prey and potential threats at the same time. It also means that the chameleon has a full 360 degree vision (such as stance Byakugan, Hyuga clan ^ _ ^). When a chameleon see their prey (usually insects, although the largest species known to eat mice and other small vertebrates), both eyes will focus in the same direction , a stereoscopic vision, the chameleon tongue will shoot out at high speed, a technique that requires a very precise distance and movement of the prey. Chameleons have very sharp eyesight, can see the insects several feet away, and as well as tertiary, they can see ultraviolet light. (Can bedain counterfeit money at real money donk. Hhe)


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Dragonflies, perhaps the most formidable aerial hunters of insects other hunters, they also have some of the most amazing eyes in the animal world. Their eyes are so big that covers almost the entire head, giving the appearance of a helmet, which can see 360 ​​degrees full (the Byakugan also nih). It consists of 30,000 eye visual units called ommatidia, each containing a series of lenses and light-sensitive cells. they are very good eyesight, they can detect color and polarized light, and very sensitive to movement, allowing them to quickly find any prey or enemies. Dragonflies are also inspire scientists to create helikopter.Beberapa species of dragonfly hunt at dusk could see perfectly in low light conditions. Not only that, dragonflies also have three additional smaller eyes called ocelli that can detect fast movement, these ocelli quickly send visual information to the center of the motor dragonfly ', which allows it to react in a split second, it may be useful for such reflex in humans. Seranggka have a good vision of the wasps, bees or flies (which have the same kind of eye)


Leaf Tailed Gecko
A304 Giant Leaf Tailed Gecko
Gecko this one has beautiful eyes, his eyes vertically and has a series of "little hole" which widened in the evening, allowing it to take as much light as possible. Mata also has a lot more light-sensitive cells than the human eye, providing the ability to detect objects and even to see color at night (wow..). To give an idea about the amazing gecko night vision, this simple picture, while cats and sharks can be seen 6 and 10 times better than humans,, Toke This leaves the tail of the gecko and other species can be seen up to 350 times better than we can see in dim light! They also have a series of bizarre, elaborate eye pattern, which provide camouflage Geckos are often seen cleaning his eyes with their tongue membranes.


Colossal Squid
Colossal Squid are invertebrates of the largest to date, but it also has the largest eyes of all animals in the world. Each of the colossal squid that could be up to 30 cm across, becomes larger than a dinner plate and have a lens about the size of oranges. His eyes are large allowing squid to see in dim light conditions, it is very useful for animals that spend the most time hunting at 2000 meters below the surface of the colossal squid laut.Disebutkan that only youth who was captured and studied so far (adult segeda what? Teens aja already scary). Adult colossal squid is expected to grow to 15 meters.This giant will have a larger eye. Unlike the Giant Squid, colossal squid have stereoscopic vision, the ability to see long distances. Even more amazing, each eye has a "flash" as the digital camera, this organ is known as a photophore that can produce light so that each time the colossal squid's eyes focused forward, photophores produce light to see its prey in the dark ocean floor.


Four Eyed Fish
Found in Mexico and Central America, and northern South America, this is a small fish measuring up to 32 cm and is usually found in freshwater or brackish (although they have also been seen on the sea shore). Its main food is insects, so they spend most of their time swimming on the surface. Despite their name, four-eyed fish (Arowana Tukul Rich show on TRANS7) has only two eyes. However, the eye is divided by a band of tissue and each half of the eye has its own pupil. This allows adaptation to see perfectly.
The top of the eyeball adapted to vision in the air, while the lower part adapted to underwater vision. Although both parts of the eye using the same lens, lens thickness and the curve is different in the eyes of top and bottom, so the correct behavior of the different light in air and water (so confused). In short these fish have eyes that can see in the air / water surface and a special eye to see under the water.


Stalk Eyed Fly
Small creatures of God's creation is so spectacular is mostly found in the forests of Southeast Asia and Africa, some species are also found in Europe and North America.They get their name from the projected length of the head with eyes and antennae at the end. Male flies usually have a longer stalk than females and have confirmed that females prefer males with long eyestalks. Males, during mating season often stand to face them and measuring the length of eyestalk, the "eye span" is recognized as the largest pemenang.Jantan has an uncanny ability to enlarge their eyestalks by swallowing air through their mouths and pumping through the channel at the head of the eyestalks. They do this especially during mating season. Here is an amazing video of these animals, fresh out of its cocoon.

Bmimg 26206 26206 Jellyfaced Web
Spookfish is the fish that live in deep water, fish Spectre has some most peculiar eye structure known to science; eyes each have a lateral swelling called a diverticulum, separated from the main eye with a septum. While the main part of the eye has a lens and functions in a manner similar to the eyes of other animals, diverticulum has a mirror.Diverticulum reflects the light and focuses it onto the retina that allows the fish to see both get to the bottom at the sama.Spookfish are the only vertebrates (vertebrates) are known to use a mirror to see the structure of the eye, like a lens. Spookfish found all over the world but are rarely seen, because they spend most of their lives at a depth of 1000-2000 meters. They eat small crustaceans and plankton, and its size is about 18 cm.


Ogre Faced Spider
Ogre-Faced Spider Face

Spiders are known because they have a lot of eyes (though this varies greatly between species, some have two eyes, four, six or eight). Ogre-faced spiders have six eyes, but it looks as though it only has two because the couple was very large eye. It is an adaptation to nocturnal life style; this spider has a remarkable vision of the night not only because of their large eyes, but because the coating is very light sensitive cells covering the eye is very sensitive mereka.Membran, will be destroyed at dawn and producedagain every night. This spider is not common, they can see perfectly at night even though they lack a tapetum lucidum (a reflective membrane that helps other spiders and other predators such as cats to see in low light conditions). Scientists believe that this ogre spiders have better night vision than cats, sharks, or even an owl (which can see up to 100 times better than humans at night!).


Mantis shrimp
And finally, we come to the animal with strange eyes and the most stunning in the world.Mantis shrimp is actually not a shrimp, but different types of crustaceans of the order Stomatopoda. Known for his aggressive and powerful weapons (they have very sharp claws and strong and can split a finger like a human, mantis shrimp are voracious predators, mostly found in tropical waters.Their eyes are compound, such as dragonflies, even though they have a much smaller number of ommatidia (about 10,000 per eye), but in each row of ommatidia mantis shrimp has a specific function. For example, some of them are used to detect light, the other to detect color, etc.Mantis shrimp can see color much better than the human (eyes they have 12 types of color receptors, whereas humans have only three), as well as ultraviolet, infrared and polarized light vision, and all the wana and light, so that the complex has the best eyesight of any animal on this planet. Eyes located on the tip of the stem, and can be moved independently of one another, rotating by 70 degrees. Interestingly, visual information is processed by the eye alone, not by the brain. (Wow. ..)Even more strange, each of the mantis shrimp is divided into three parts which makes it possible to see objects with three different parts of the same eye. In other words, each eye has a "trinocular vision" (to see from the color of the light, and of normal side) and the full depth perception, which means that if you lose the mantis shrimp eye, left eye still can see. Scientists are still examining the eyes of the greatness of this shrimp, mantis shrimp may be able to see colors that have never seen all the world.

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